Clumsy Philly

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With depression you never know how days will turn out. You could be lucky and the whole day you are pretty okay. Then there are those days when everything is terrible and you forget happiness exist. Then there is also the in betweens. When the day starts of one way the randomly changes. Today started of terrible. I didn't leave my room all day. I just laid in my room in the dark not wanting to live. Then randomly at about 1:00 pm I suddenly had a mood change. I don't know if it was just a random boost of happiness or the fact I could here Phil fall down the stairs which caused me to die of laughter for like 5 minutes before I decided to be a good friend and go and check on him. He was still on the floor when I went to make sure he was okay. I stared at him with a goofy grin as he just laid there staring back at me. His face was red as a tomato. Which made me even happy to see how embarrassed he was.
"What did you even do" I asked him
"I feel" he mumbled
"Well no shit you feel, I meant how did you even fall you spork" I said trying not to laugh
"I don't know" Phil mutters
He looks kinda upset and I immediately feel bad. I walk down to were he was and sit beside him.
"Sorry for laughing at you" I sigh
"Oh I-it's fine" Phil says looking up at me "I mean it's not like I wouldn't laugh if it was you"
"Very true" I say smiling at him
"U-Um Dan what have you been doing all day. You haven't left your room." Phil says looking concerned.
"I got distracted with tumblr" I lie
"Have you even eaten?" Phil asks
"No" I mumble
"Dan..." Phil looks down at his shoes looking really upset
"I'm fine Phil I really am" I should tell him but I can't.
"Okay but we are getting you something to eat now. What do you want?" Phil asks
"PIZZA" I yell. Wow I didn't realize how hungry I am.
"Ha okay" Phil laughs
I stand up then put out my hand for him to grab. He grabs it and I pull him up. I stare at are hands. They fit almost perfectly I can't help but smile slightly. Phil pulls away. I frown. I liked his hand there. It felt like it belonged.
I look at Phil. He's just staring at his Phone. He looks extremely worried. The screen is on the phone dialling screen. I notice Phil is slightly shaking. You know Phil has never ordered the pizza I always seem to do it.
"Hey Phil why don't I order and you go wash up. Your hands are dirty from laying on the ground." I say
Phil looks up at me with a look of relief.
"Thanks" he says before he walks of to the washroom.
I order a medium Hawaiian pizza and some pop from Pizza Hut. I hope it gets here fast because I'm starving. I should distract myself so my stomach doesn't eat me from within.
I walk into our living room and look around. Me and Phil haven't really hung out lately. I miss being with him. Watching anime together, playing video games, watching tv and movies. It's my fault we stopped. I've just been mopping in my room most of the time. Phil is the person who makes me happy and I've been blocking him out.
"Hey Dan"
I jump
"Sorry you were standing in front of the door and wouldn't move" Phil says while he holds back a laugh
"Oh oops" I say laughing "Um Phil when the pizza gets here do you maybe wanna watch a move or play Mario Cart or something"
Phil looks at me surprised
"Oh course I would. You know I've been practising Mario Cart" Phil says excitedly
"I'm still gonna bet your ass" I say smirking
"Oh it's on Howell" Phil laughs
"Bring Lester" I laugh along with him.
Soon after the doorbell rings.
"PIZZA" I yell as I run to answer the door
I pay for the pizza then skip back to Phil.
Phil laughs and grabs two plates from the kitchen and he brings them to where I'm sitting on the coach. Phil flops down beside me and hands me a plate. We each grab some pizza as I set up Mario Cart.
"Okay Philly are you ready to lose"
"In your dreams Danny" Phil says
And that's how we spend the rest of the night. Laughing, eating pizza, playing Mario Cart, and just being together. Being happy. I missed this feeling. I missed Phil. Phil makes me happy. In a way no one else has.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll update again soon. Comment what you think so far!

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