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Anxiety has so many feelings. The feeling when someone invites you over but you get so freaked out about going over to there house you make an excuse to not go. The feeling when you are up in the middle of the night asking so many questions with answers you don't want to know. The feeling when you wonder who actually cares about you and who actually loves you. The feeling when your friends secretly hate you. The feeling where you can never feel 100% happy. The feeling that you are never good enough. The feeling when you question your worth, your pride, your live, and yourself, the feeling where you can't speak I front of people because you know deep inside they are all judging you. The feeling of going out side and feeling so small and lost. The feeling of everyone staring at you and judging you. The feeling of not being able to even hug someone because you are scared of rejection. Anxiety has a lot of feelings. Some push me over the edge causing me to loss control. Most stop me from doing what I want or need to do. Like how I'm to scared to tell Dan how I really love him.

Okay so the next chapter the story is actually going to start. I hope you are going to enjoy this

We're Both A Little Broken ||PhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora