Chapter 3

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walked in the house and just like Soda said, it was unlocked. Before anyone saw me, I heard,"Hey, Johnnycakes " and "Hey Steve."
" I bet you five buck that they're Johnny. Steve is at work."
"You're on!" I came in.
"Well, golly. You aren't Steve or Johnny." Two boys sat there. One was a blonde and the other had a mickey shirt. Both had beer and glory, I didn't partake in their enjoyment on the stuff.
"Who are you?" Both put the beer away. I ignored them and walked on.
"Girl, turn around." The blonde said. Do. Not. Tell. Me. What. To. Do. I swung around and glared at the both of them.
"You got something to say?" The mickey mouse dude asked.
"Soda said I could come."
"If you don't apologize, then I'm gonna make you-" I full on punched him to the ground. The blonde was swearing up a storm. I left and got ready.

My switch was open on the night stand. I grabbed it then showered. I dressed, but the blade was gone. I screamed profanities at the guy who would dare take my switch. Then I came down. Both guys were inspecting it.
"Dude, this is sharp! Man, Two. I'd keep it."
"Give that back before both your eyes turn black. They both umped and he tossed it open. I knew the tricks of the blade and caught it. Then closed it and sat on the arm chair.

We stared at each other until finally one said, " Hi. I'm Two-Bit. This is Dallas."
"I'm Grace."
"No, you're wrath."
"Do not go there, Two-Bit." We sat in silence till Two-Bit grinned and said, "Well Dal, she's a mini you" Finally, Soda came home. And Steve.
"Hi, Grace." I nodded and sat, my blade in hand. Dallas was glaring at me. Two-Bit watched us. I glared back.
"So, Grace what brings you to Tulsa, cause I haven't seen ya around." Dallas said. He is so nosy.
"Family stuff!" I snapped. He just continued to glare, while Soda gave me looks. I just continued fiddling with my blade until the door opened again. This time, a big strong dude walked in. He liked at me then said, "whose girl are you?"
"No one's." While Two-bit said,"If only, if only she was mine!" The guy stared at my blade until I slid it away and out of sight. (Lol, somehow blade changed to bladder. I'm dead!)
"Well then, hi. I'm Darrel. You can call me Darry."
"Two-bit, I'm going to kill you!" I said leaping up and jumping for him. Two people, Soda and Darry, held me back. I finally quit.
"Grace. My name is Grace "
"Hi, do you want a nickname?"
"Not really, though I bet one has stuck?"
"Wrath." Dally said.
"Help me," I mumbled. Another kid came in. He looked like a, well, smart kid. He has a book and I stood in his path. He bumped into me and looked up at me.
"Hi, I'm Grace. Or be Two-bit and Dallas and call me Wrath."
"I'm Ponyboy." I stared. A Soda and Pony and Darry.
"Cool name. They call you Pony?"
"Yes, how'd you get that one?"
"Sodapop is called Soda. I took a guess."
"Don't make her mad!" Dallas yelled. Before anyone could stop me, I gave dally a bruise on his chest.
"No, don't be Dallas." We were against eachother from the start.

Then another kid came in. He looked Pony's age.
"Hey, Johnny-kid." He had a busted lip.
"Parents?" Pony asked. He nodded, staying silent. Dallas still was swearing from the new pain.
"You already got me once, wasn't that enough?" He growled.
"Nope." Johnny looked nervous.
"Hi." He mumbled.
"This is Johnny. This is Grace." Pony gestured to each of us. I felt my knife start to leave my pocket. I chopped away Two-bit's hand.
"Yow!" He held his hand.
"Don't." I tried getting the picture out of my bag, but decided to wait.
"You gotta house to go to?"
"Naw, unless the one in Kentucky counts. But, then again, I've been kicked out of there." I swore good naturedly.
"Why Tulsa, then?"
"My dad and brother live here."
"Wait, your that girl!"
"Ah, Winston. The officer sounded so happy saying that." People rolled their eyes. Sarcasm dripped from my tongue. But, we ate in silence. Just kidding. Boy, these people are loud! I ate what I needed and they helped themselves. Best meal in years. But I got up to leave.
"Bye y'all."
"Why don't you start the night?"
"Well, now that you mention it...."
"A bed is open."
"I'll take this for now." I flopped on a couch. No one bothered kick me off.

But, I took out the picture. I stared. The boy loosely reminded me of Dallas. Blond hair. It was so old. I sighed.
"Hmm. I remember dad telling me about that trip." I pumped up to see Dallas.
"That girl, how do you have that picture?"
"Mom gave it to me."
"That would make you her," he said pointing to the girl.
"I know." He scowled.
"So your my..." He swore a storm and left the house. I grinned and looked at the photo.
"You've grown up a lot Dallas Winston."

Pretty satisfying ending to this chapter, even if i only have a little under 900 words. I prefer 1000 in each chapter in this story. Man, autocorrect failed. From bladder to but. In the future, chapters will get shorter as it sums up. Anyway, baiii!

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