[0.6 - meeting the father]

Start from the beginning

"My mom used to live here when she was younger, so she decided to move back."

Nodding his head, Chris was going to continue on but was caught off by the sight of the players running onto the field. Lydia standing up quickly to cheer on Jackson, while Jack and Allison stood and cheered for both Stiles and Scott.

The scrimmage went by and Jack began to understand the big deal about lacrosse. It was a very physical sport which reminded him a lot of ice hockey - which tryouts were in a couple of days. He cheered on Scott and Jackson alongside both of the girls beside him. Soon the time came where Jack found himself holding the 'We Luv U Jackson'  poster with Lydia, and Allison spent no time in taking photos.

"Laugh it up, Argent, but wait till after the scrimmage. I'll get you back." Jack threatened jokingly, making her dimpled smile protrude. Lydia mumbled something under her breathe, which only Allison heard and caused her to blush a deep scarlet.

And soon enough, cheers were heard when Scott had the ball again with only twenty seconds left on the scoreboard. Though he was surrounded, Jack felt something was wrong. Letting go of the poster, Jack began to get ready just in case something happened. With only a few seconds left, Scott threw the ball into the net which clutched the game for Beacon Hills. The crowed erupted in cheers as everyone ran down to the field, Jack was no exception as he ran after the fleeing Scott McCall. And that's how Jack Frost found himself in the boys locker room trying to locate a phased Scott.

"Scott!" Jack yelled out, hoping that the Latino boy would answer. "I'm here to help you, Scott. You're not yourself tonight, you're a newly bitten werewolf. You can't control yourself."

In response, he heard the ragged breathing of Scott. Turning the corner, Jack was met with the yellow eyes of his friend, who was hunched over. Taking slow steps in his direction, Jack found himself saying calm words.

"Scott, you need to calm down before you hurt yourself or someone." Jack soothed as he placed a hand on Scott, which caused the teen to shake it off in anger.

"Just leave, Jack." Scott heaved, his breathing heavy as he held onto himself.

"Scott, cool it." Jack said, "Think about something that calms you. Hanging out with Stiles, being first line, or your mom." The last statement visibly soothed Scott, but only for a second before he growled out in anger again. Shaking his head, Jack kneeled down to Scott's eyesight before speaking again.

"Think about your mom, Scott. She always been there for you, she's working herself hard to support the both of you. She wouldn't want to see you like this, Scott. Not in pain or fighting yourself." Jack encouraged as Scott slowly began to calm down. Though the moment was cut short when both Allison and Stiles came in.

"Jack." Allison breathed, her smile reappearing on her face at the sight of him. She turned her head towards Scott before speaking again, "Hey, Scott. You did amazing out in the field!"

Scott grimaced as he slowly felt himself slipping away again. Going up to Stiles, the platinum blonde whispered in his ear about soothing Scott about mentioning his mom, before he took Allison's hand into his own and pulling her seat outside to avoid an animalistic Scott.

"Sorry for running off like that, I just wanted to make sure that Scott was fine." Jack explained, slightly worried that he had made her upset.

Shaking her head, Allison spoke. "It's fine, I totally get it. Though, I was kinda worried when you ran off without a word."

"Sorry again."

"It's fine, but I know a way you can make it up to me." Allison flirted as she slowly walked up to him. Taking the hint, Jack cupped her face and brought their lips together. Though the kiss didn't last very long, both teens smiled as they pulled away. The pale boy was now a bright pink, as he let out a nervous laugh.

"See you at school." Allison smiled as she pecked him on his lips again and scurried away to find her dad. Grinning from ear to ear, Jack felt like he could conquer anything as he walked back into the locker room to see how Scott was. Scott was finally up and having a serious discussion with Stiles.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked the puppy eyes boy.

"I'm fine but-"

"Derek was let out of jail." Stiles interrupted, a look of distress on his face. Jack's grin reappeared as he cheered out in joy.

"This is great. Sophia can learn control then."

"No, definitely my great. He's just going to continue to harass Scott and maybe me now since we got him arrested for accusing him of murdering his own sister!"

"That girl was his sister?!" Jack exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, seems so." Scott stated as they gathered their things. Soon the three parted ways, Jack racing home and collapsing on his bed. Smiling because he finally was content with what was happening in his life after the move.

author's note:

Hello people! Joss here and happy 2017! I'm sorry that I've been MIA and not updating but some personal issues occurred which caused me to be out and school isn't helping either. But I do hope to update more often!

So as usual,

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Jack Frost » Allison Argent [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now