Anyway, when I started walking down I headed toward the sword arena, where a certain giant hellhound dog was messing around with a training dummy, like a chew toy.

I whistled at her and she immediately perked up and bounded over to me.

"Missed ya!" I smiled as she leapt onto me, and started licking my face.

Not that I didn't mind. There were simple ways to get rid of some serious dog drool aka her fur.

"Alright, girl, I'll see you later, alright? I gotta go and do my job now," I gave her one last scratch behind the ears then headed over to the strawberry fields.

But a few moments later, while my Demeter magic was still going, I heard the blow of the conch horn. And that only meant one thing: Percy and Beckendorf were back. Or a demigod just happened to wash ashore, but I doubted that.

So I took to the sky and flew over to the beach, which held two people: Connor Stoll, the lookout for this afternoon, and my brother.

"Percy! Thank the gods!" I crushed him in a hug. When I pulled away I was about to ask where Beckendorf was but the look on both Percy and Connor gave me the answer. "Oh no..." I mumbled.

Percy closed his eyes and nodded as Connor let out a breath.

"Welp. Let's get you to the pavilion," Connor said and we all walked back up to camp.

Other demigods were already filing into the pavilion, seemingly excited at the return of Percy.

I left the two boys and rushed over to where Chiron and Annabeth, or Annie as I liked to call her, were.

"Clair! You're back!" Annie gave me a quick hug. "But where's-"

"He's at the pavilion. Come on,"

When we arrived, we were first, Annie rushed up to Percy.

"What happened? Is Luke-"

"The ship blew up. He wasn't destroyed. I don't know where-" Percy started but then Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite as well as Beckendorf's girlfriend, came walking in.

"Where's Charlie?" She demanded, looking right at Percy. But Percy turned to Chiron, not knowing what to say. And Chiron did speak.

"Silena, my dear, we should talk about this at the Big House-"

"No... No... No...!" She muttered, and started sobbing. I let out a slow breath, all of us staying silent.

Clarisse, daughter of Ares, approached. Surprisingly, Silena and Clarisse had a very close friendship. It started when the daughter of the war god asked the daughter of the love goddess boyfriend advice last summer. Clarisse put her arm around Silena and spoke gently.

"Come on, girl. Let's get you to the Big House. I'll make you hot chocolate," and then they walked off.

The rest of the campers walked off, definitely not happy anymore. Only me, Annie, and Chiron stayed behind.

I could imagine myself in Silena's position. I felt that her losing Beckendorf was the equivalent to when some other certain Big Three demigod ran off two winters ago, and when he put his life at risk last summer...

And Annie had teared up, most likely understanding the feeling Silena was going through right now as well. Like when she first found out when Luke was Kronos and when Percy got blasted out of Mount St. Helens and we presumed he was dead.

"Glad you're not dead, Seaweed Brain," Annie wiped away a tear.

"Thanks. Me too," Percy said. Chiron placed a hand on his shoulder.

Last Olympian - My WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora