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My name is Annèly Ndeumane. I'm Namibian.

So, some facts about myself:
-I'm thirteen, and pretty much obsessed with video games. Some of my favourites include Smallworlds, Stardoll and Papa's Pancakeria.
-I love the colours pink and purple.
-I spend around half of my day reading.
-I'm technically allergic to cereals, but I can eat Bran Flakes, Rice Crispies, Cornflakes, and so on.
-I dislike judgemental people and lies are poison to me.
-My name is a german name, and all of the letters have a specific meaning.

A is for acquaintance.
N is for new.
N is for neat.
E is for enrich.
L is for life.
Y is for youthful.

-My name backwards is actually Ylenna, and an anagram of it is Alenyn.
-I love graphics, even though mine kinda suck.

But thanks for reading my facts 😁

-Annèly N.

-Annèly N

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