"okay I'll text you through my number" I hang up, dropping out of the call.

 I quickly added her phone number to my phone, and sending her a quick text

hey Fiona, it Selena for the details just text this number :) before skipping outside and handing Adam his phone back- don't worry i got rid of history apps and his phone call history is just Fiona and sometimes me. 

"Selena" Adam asked with a scarily calm voice "what did you do?"

"not much you know looked through your contacts and what not" I replied

"what did you tell Fiona" he accused me 

"whaaat nothing- crap gotta Zayn. Sam and Dean are having a reunion! can't miss it" I jogged of hearing Adam calling Fiona.

The next couple of days were very similar, text Fiona to make sure it was all set when it was all set on Friday, I stayed up all night every night- I am getting tired and I have no idea how much longer I can go without sleeping. 

On Friday, I packed Adams bags and told him that Alison is getting back from her trip from France. 

"ADAMMM WE HAVE TO GO ALISON IS WAITING" I screamed at my brother

"Coming, coming" he ran down hallway before skidding to a stop in front of me "well Selena what are you waiting for Alison is waiting isn't she" I scowled at him before walking to the car (don't worry I already put his bags in the boot)

Adam got to the airport in record time, and I hopped out of the car before running to the boot and grabbing the bags out. 

"uh Selena? why are my bags here?" he questioned. I pretended like I didn't hear him and kept on walking pulling his bags with me. Not long after I heard a long sigh before footsteps running after me. He managed to catch up to me (listen now I walked the fastest I could but me being sleep deprived, and him doing football his whole life, he easily caught up)  

"Hey brother dear" I smiled at him before continuing to walk, he grabbed my arm roughly to stop me in my tracks. I flinched, and his face dropped.

"Oh My God, Selena I'm so so sorry, I completely forgot"

"I wish it was that easy to forget for me" I continued to walk, realizing that I was acting like a complete bitch.

Fiona was waiting out the front of the airport for us. I waved to her before she ran up to me and gave me a giant hug whispering 

"thank you so much for doing this" I just patted her back awkwardly and she saw my brother and pulled away and smiled at me (told you she seemed like a smiler) before running to him- his face lit up at the sight of her, before they kissed.

"Awww young love" I cooed and they turned and looked at me, their faces red "absolutely sickening" I told them, my brother laughed while Fionas' face went bright red. They walked up to the door where I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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