Punishments: soap (Ddlb)

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Josh dragged his boy into the bathroom, his hand gripping tightly around Tyler's small wrist as he pulled tyler down the hall.

Josh was not happy, after all his baby had disobeyed him, and not in a naughty cheeky kind of a way that was secretly a turn on for the dominant one. Tyler had definitely crossed a line, and josh wasn't going to let him get away with it.
What kind of a daddy would he be if he let tyler get away with such things.
Josh's job was to take care of his boy and he has certain rules and regulations all for the wellbeing of tyler.
So letting him get away with this was just unheard of.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tyler pleaded apologies as he toddled along behind josh, getting more upset when his daddy wouldn't speak a word or even look at him.
He didn't like it when he upset his daddy, it made him upset. Honestly tyler though he got more upset and sad than his daddy did when he made his daddy upset, if that makes sense, which it did to tyler.

Josh pulled tyler into the bathroom and closed the door behind them.

"I didn't mean it daddy." Tyler sobbed, his voice echoing off the four walls of the room.

Josh just shook his head as he opened up a cabinet and took out a little box of what tyler could tell was soap.

Tyler knew what was coming and he knew he deserved it too, he just didn't want his daddy to be mad at him.
He was truly sorry for what he did and he was going to take his punishment like good boy to prove it, no mater how much he didn't like what daddy was about to do to him.

Josh slipped out a pale pink soap bar out of its little paper box and held the soap up in between his fingers.

"You've said some naughty things to daddy and you used bad words that I told you not to use. What did daddy tell you about cussing?" Josh spoke sternly  as he walked up to tyler who had sat himself down on the edge of the bathtub.

"Bad words are for the bedroom." Tyler said with a choked sob.

"-And for the bedroom only, good boy." Josh nodded.

Tyler smiled a little when he heard his daddy call him a good boy.

"But not only did you use the bad words, but you called me the bad words, and all just because I wouldn't get you something you wanted so you chucked a tantrum about it. How do you think that makes me feel?" Josh asked in a serious tone as he squatted down in front of his sobbing boy.

"Not good." Tyler quivered "I'm sorry daddy." He cried as he squinted his eyes and started nearly crying again.

"Shhh shhh baby it's okay, daddy's going to teach you a lesson and then you won't do it again will you?" Josh said in a soothing tone as he brushed his finger under Tyler's chin.

Tyler nodded eagerly.

"Okay, stand up for me and bend over the sink with you hands behind your back." Josh ordered.

Tyler quickly obeyed.

Bending over the bathroom sink with his hands behind his back and sticking out his perky round ass that he knew his daddy had a weakness for. His short white pleated skirt exposing everything as he bent over.

Josh obviously caught sight of what his boy was displaying, how could he not when Tyler's short white pleated skirt was displaying everything perfectly as he bent over.

"Mm look at that beautiful ass." Josh hummed admiringly.

Tyler wiggled it a little for his daddy.

"You think I'll soften up a little by teasing me with that beautiful ass of yours?" Josh questioned as he eyed the pretty little sight in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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