get to know the author

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hey guys! I decided you guys need to get know me a little.

1: my name is Emily Pridemore
2: my favorite band is Fall Out Boy
3: my favorite color is black
4: my favorite song is L.A.  Devotee
5: my best friend is Aliza
6: I can't pm:( (I don't remember my password to my email)
7: I'm 14
8: im homeschooled
9: my favorite food is pizza
10: my favorite fall out boy album is Folie a Deux
11: I have an unhealthy obsession with Andy Hurley
12: I'm obsessed with YouTube
13: I watch Shane Dawson, Matthias, Amanda faye, The Crazie  Crew, J-Fred, Team Edge, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, cinnamontoastken, lordminion777, Bob, Pewdiepie, Dan and Phil.
14: I'm Pentecostal
15: I'm boring
16: that's me in the picture

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