Chapter 22

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Kathy's POV:

I sat alone in an empty white room, waiting for someone to come in. I was told to wait in this room until someone came for me.

I've been waiting for almost ten minutes, and no one has come into this empty classroom.

I feel stupid sitting here with egg on me.

I don't like high school. It's my first week as a freshman, and someone has already pranked me, and I got detention because I was pranked.

Why was I given detention? I'm the victim! I shouldn't get detention!

The teacher gave me detention because I was walking around the school with egg on me, and by doing that, I made a mess.

I was only looking for the bathroom to clean the egg off of me.

The person who pranked me should get detention, not me.

A male teacher walked into the room and greeted me, "Hello."


He set his laptop on his desk and looked at me. "What do you have on you?"

"It's egg, sir."

"Why do you have egg on you?"

"Someone played a prank on me."

"Why do you have detention?"

"Because the teacher said I was making a mess by walking around with egg on me."

"Is this teacher a female in her late fifties?"

I nodded.

"I'm going to go and talk to her. I don't see any reason why you should be here when you should be at home washing that egg off you."

The teacher was about to leave the classroom when a boy walked into the room.

"Another freshman? Why are you here?"

"I played a prank on her." He pointed at me.

"Oh, so you're the boy who played the egg prank."


"Take a seat. I'm going to leave for a few minutes."

I decided to take my math book out from my bag when the teacher left.

I might as well get some of my homework done.

That boy is Jesse. He was the one who played the egg prank on me. I know his name because Cleo told me. He's best friend is Zack, which Cleo has a small crush on.

Jesse has been nothing but rude to me all week, and I have no idea why. I haven't done anything to him as far as I know.

Whatever the reason, he's been a real pain.

I was working out a math problem when I felt something soft hit my shoulder. I looked down and saw a piece of paper. I looked up at Jesse and saw him whistling to himself, looking anywhere but at me.

I went back on working on my homework, but a few seconds later, I felt another piece of paper hit me on the shoulder. But this time, I ignored it.

Five minutes later there was a pile of scrunched up paper on the floor around me. I've been ignoring him because I thought if I didn't give him a reaction, he would stop, but it hasn't worked.

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