Chapter 2 - The Creature Has Friends

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I've reminded Dad that we need to go water Grandma's plants at least five times now. I really don't want to go when it's dark out, but he keeps saying we'll go soon. It's been forty-five minutes since he said that the first time.

Around 8:30, he finally gets off the couch and heads out to the car with me on his heels. I don't have to water the inside plants until next week, so I purposely leave the keys at home so that I don't have to go inside. I'll go in on Saturday.

I press the button on the remote to open the big gate and immediately feel panic rising in me. It is practically pitch black out here and I have a pretty good feeling that there is still something in the house that somehow manages not to set the alarm off.

Dad parks the car next to the house so that he can go to the backyard and I can go to the front. I take a deep breath and step out of the car. I make sure my phone is in my pocket so that I can easily access it if I need to. I'm not sure what it could help with, but might as well have it anyway.

I slide the lock open on the front gate and push it open slowly. I try to be silent even though it will probably do nothing to help me.

The lights around the front door flicker on and I walk over to the water can. I don't see anything in the windows on the way there. I pull out my phone and turn the flashlight on while I'm filling up the can so that it's not really dark since I'm behind the hedges.

I walk back out and water the plant closest to the hedges before moving on to the plant across from the bay windows. I make sure to be facing the windows so that if anything is inside, I'll see it.

Just when I finish watering the plant, the grey creature rushes into the large dining room. A much larger creature with golden fur and white stripes is on the grey creatures' heels. It seems to resemble some sort of lion-zebra hybrid.

To water the plant by the front gate, I walk through the grass instead of on the path in order to keep my distance from the house. I keep an eye on the two creatures in the house and try to stay calm.

After quickly watering the final plant out front, I walk back through the grass and set the watering can down by the hedges. When I go back to the gate, I see the larger creature scratch the grey one with its claws. There's a nasty looking patch of cuts and it makes me all the more eager to get to the backyard where dad is.

While walking to the backyard, I have to pass the first living room's windows and the art and guest room windows. From the living room windows, I can still see the two creatures fighting so I walk faster and hope they don't notice me.

When I get to the art room window, I see a dog like creature that is crimson red and has horns rush out of the room and towards the kitchen. I am relieved to not see anything in the guest room window.

I open the gate to the backyard and walk over to the table in the patio where dad is sitting.

"Did you already water the hanging pots?" I ask.

"Sure did. You just need to water the ones on the ground and then we can go." I nod while looking into the second living room. All three creatures have migrated to the room. The red dog thing is helping the grey creature try to fight off the larger lion-zebra hybrid. It's getting gruesome and I wonder why there isn't any blood on the carpet.

There is suddenly a high-pitched scream that leaves my ears ringing, but Dad doesn't seem to hear it.

"Did you hear that?" I ask him

"Here what?" he asks back. I shake my head and mumble, "Never mind," before I fill the watering can.

I start watering again and when I go back to refill the watering can a third time, there is a woman who looks to be about twenty and she has dark purple and blue hair. She's lying on Grandma and Grandpa's bed with her hands in two bowls of water. I can see a weird pattern engraved into the skin of her hands.

She has a dark green tail like she is a mermaid and she flops it around a bit when she sees me looking at her. Her eyes glow a bright yellow and her lips are black and cracked. She smiles at me, showing off her yellowing teeth which include multiple fangs.

"Is everything okay, sweetheart?" Dad asks just as two red dogs with horns come into the room and jump onto the bed, flanking the mermaid thing. One bites into her stomach while the other bites into her neck. They then disappear into the bathroom. She acts as though nothing happened.

"E-everything's f-fine Dad," I say and walk over to the strawberry plant to water it. I then put the watering can back where it had been and say, "Let's go," as I quickly leave the backyard. Dad follows close behind me and we get in the car.

He starts backing out of the driveway, but before we can leave the property, the large gate starts closing. "Why'd you close the gate, Winter?" he asks. "Um... Sorry, accidentally pressed the button." He nods and I press the button to open the gate, but it won't open.

I sigh and say, "I'm gonna go enter the code." I don't wait for a response, I just get out of the car as soon as it stops and walk to the keypad that will open the gate with the right code. I quickly enter the year my mom was born, which is the code to the gate. It sputters to life and starts opening.

I stand to the side of the road and wait for Dad to pull up next to me so I can get in. As he pulls up next to me, I see the front door open and the grey creature come out. I get in the car as fast as possible, pressing the button to close the gate as I get in. Luckily it actually works this time, but the gate has always moved slow and the grey creature has already gotten out into the driveway.

"Drive. Now!" I practically yell at Dad. He pulls out onto the road and I look back to see that the large gate closed just in time to keep the grey creature on the property. I breathe a sigh of relief and Dad glances at me.

"Why did you yell at me to drive, sweetheart?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I got scared and just wanted to get off the property." He seems to buy it and we just stay silent for the rest of the ride. Unfortunately, silence gives people the chance to think and right now thinking is the last thing I need to do.

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