No more secrets, and no more bulls**t

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Next Day
(Y/N) Pov.

I woke up to a loud thud. "What was that?" I said getting out of bed and going down stairs.

"Are you okay Carly?" I hear Jake says as his footsteps approach Carly.

"I'm fine. *Laughs* Are you okay?" When she said that I found them and they were kissing, KISSING!

"WHAT IN THE DUCK, HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?" I said with my jaw on the ground. (hypothetically speaking).

Jake's Pov

Carly and I hear (Y/N) scream. "WHAT IN THE DUCK, HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?" She said with her jaw on the ground.

"Um, we can explain!" I said.

10 minute time skip

"And now we're here." I said finishing.

"Finally, you grew a pair and told her you love her!" (Y/N) said happily.

"(Y/N), there isn't much time till school starts!" Carly said throwing (Y/N)'s clothes at her.

"AH! Right, well I got to go kids! You too behave." (Y/N) said pointing at us.

(Y/N)'s Pov

After that I got dressed and sprinted to school as fast as possible. I got to class right before the bell ringed, "I'M HERE!" I screamed and noticed that class started, sort of. "Ha, oops?" I said looking at the teacher.

"Miss. (L/N), just take your seat." She said rubbing her forehead.

2 hour time skip

School has ended and Emma and her blond army came over and was messing with me that's when I took action.

"EMMA! STOP MESSING WITH ME!" I said smacking her hand way.

"Oh, yeah?! Who's going to stop me?! Oh, will it be you? Will you stop me, little bitch?" She said getting in my face.

"My god!" I said waving my hand in front of my face.

"What?!" Emma was the impatient one.

"Someone has bad breathe!" I said jokingly.

"AGH!" Emma yells and slaps me, I fall to the ground.

"Is that the best you can do blond bitch?!" I said looking at her as my left eye twitch.

"Girls RUN!" Emma said running towards Music room #3.The rest of them scatter, but Yuki follows Emma. I chased those two all the way to the music room.

"(Y/N) YOU CAN'T HURT ME, B-BECAUSE IF YOU DO T-THE HOST CLUB WILL B-BEAT YOU!" She screamed walking into a corner. Yuki saw that I was focused on Emma, she was gone like the speed of a bullet.

"You don't have anyone of your friends, they're ALL gone it's just you and me!" I said sprinting to her with me hands at her neck.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Emma screamed and cried at the same time, she was crying a river. The lights of the room turn on, the twins and I are dying in laughter. "What!? HIKARU! KAORU! HOW COULD YOU! THAT'S IT WE'RE DONE FOR GOOD!" Emma was about to slap Hikaru.

Hikaru's Pov

Emma yelled at me and Kaoru she was about to slap me I was waiting for the pain to hit me but I open my eyes and I see (Y/N), and her hair was covering her eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that." (Y/N) said looking up at Emma. Emma's face was filled with horror. (Y/N) slaps Emma so hard that Emma does a mid air barrel role.

"Oh, my god! (Y/N)!" Kaoru said looking at her.

"What she hit me so I hit her, just 10x harder."She said looking at us. Kaoru still had a little fear in his face. "Here I'll go check if it makes you feel better." (Y/N) said.

"That would make me feel a hundred times better." He said hugging himself.

"Fine!" (Y/N) said walking to the lifeless body. "Hey, you alive?" she shakes Emma. *Emma groans out of pain* "SEE! She's fiiiine!" (Y/N) said walking back.

"Yeah, but not as fine as you." I said pulling her to a warm embrace.

"Stop it you're making me blush." She said burying her head in my chest.

"Just makes you cuter." I said look down at her.

"stop it." she said sounding like a child.

"Get a room." Kaoru said looking away.

"Great idea!" I said pulling (Y/N) into the dressing room.

"GOD DAMN YOU, KAORU!!!!!" (Y/N) screamed at Kaoru as I garaged her into the dressing room.

WELL! That was fun, wasn't it!? You got to bitch slap someone! YA! Hoped you enjoyed it! It just makes me smile! Bye my little devils! ^u^

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