The Letter

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Dear Lily

I may never find the courage to give you this but if i do and you read this i need you to know every word of this is true.

So ill just go ahead and say it lily i love you. I have done since the first time i saw you and that makes me nervous even when i was dating honey and thats why i punched cal for messing you around.

I love the way you act all icy and cold but on the onside your vunerable and lonely i love you just the way you are and i would do anything to make you happy.Id die for you lily.

Youre more than just my best friend youre my soulmate and if you ever moved away i dont know what id do.

I dont know if you feel the same way but i rewlly hope you do.

Cal says i am no point trying to win you over or even win anyone over because the fact is im going tondie i have Huntingtons Disease i know you already know this but my brother says that i have no point in life anymore but thats not true because i have you.

Love You Always
Ethan Hardy

Lily stared at the letter tears dripping down her face.

Ethan walks in "i see you found my little confession then"

Lily smiles and walks over pulluing him into a hug. "i love you too ethan"

They broke apart staring into each others eyes before slowly leaning in for a passionaite kiss


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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