-Little Do You Know-

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  Little do you know how I'm breaking as you fall asleep. 

Blurb + A few chapters:

 "I'll love you till the sun dies." He whispered kissing my forehead as we lay in bed. "I know you will. I love you too, Cal." I said looking up at him. He gave me a tired crooked smile, reminding me that he's been up for days and just got back home. "Cal go to sleep." I muttered kissing him lightly. He nodded and closed his eyes.

A few moments later his breathing evened out and he was snoring a little. 

(chapter 1)Someone asked me if I knew you.


Calum Hood was my bestfriend once upon a time. Then he met Michael Clifford and suddenly I wasn't in the picture anymore. Calum's mum always invited us over for dinner, but around the third time he ignored me when I was there, I stopped going with my mum.

He used to be my everything. My reason for waking up in the mornings, my reason for eating, and my reason for going to school. A new girl came to school the other day and asked me about Calum. He'd mentioned my name in an interview he'd had apparently. "Do you know him?" She asked me raising an eyebrow.

All the memories I remember of us flashed through my mind. I smiled a bit and shook my head. "I used to you. A long time ago." The girl hadn't seemed pleased at my answer but I didn't care about making new friends. I didn't need knew friends.

I just needed the one friend I'd ever had. 

(chapter 2)Someone reminded me of her.


"So any of you boys have someone special in your life? Or maybe not in it right now but had been?" The radio man asked. I believe his name was Bobby or something like that. I saw Ashton and Luke nodded their heads, Michael did too, but instead he blushed. "What about you Calum? Anyone in or used to be in your life that you miss or can't wait to see when you go on break?"

Of course I missed my family but that's not what he meant. I then thought about her. Stormy Aj Tyler, my bestfriend until five years ago. "Um there was this girl I used to hang with back before the band. Our parents had been friends so we often hung out together. Um her name was Stormy Tyler." I found myself saying. It's a good thing she moved away so she couldn't come to my house and shoot me for saying her name on the radio.

"How long has it been since you seen her?" He asked. I thought about it. "A few years." I answered and then looked at Ashton for help. I didn't like the subject of this conversation much anymore. Too personal for me. "Ash how are you and Bryana?" He lit up and began talking about their trip to Disneyland.

Then I got to thinking about how it would be if I hadn't ignored her those times she'd been at my house.

(chapter 3)Back to Sydney we go


"Stormy!" My dad called from his bedroom. I made my way through our apartment to find him standing with a box in his hands. I looked around his room to see a few boxes filled with his things. I raised an eyebrow. "Dad what are you doing?" He smiled at me and said, "We're going back to Sydney! And we're gonna be leaving in two days. So hurry and pack. There's boxes in the living room."

I grabbed boxes and headed to my room. I didn't have many things so it only took me a few hours to pack. I tapped the last box shut and sighed. I looked around my room, the walls were stripped of my posters and such. The carpet was stained black from when I dyed my hair a few months ago.

I thought of this boring place. It was Trinity North Carolina. Nothing to do in this small town and all the country slang and accents drove me crazy. I was glad to leave. Despite all the dangerous bugs and such in Australia, I was happy to be going back. I grew up there and hopefully die there too.

A few days later my dad and I pulled onto a familiar street. I almost screamed as the house I had so many memories in came into few, and we pulled into the house across the street. "Dad, this is our house?" I asked just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. When he nodded I groaned in frustration. My dad looked at me and asked what was the matter.

"Dad, Calum lives across the street." 

(chapter 4) Michael Gordon Clifford


I walked onto the tour bus; we were heading to the airport, again. This time we were playing a show in Melbourne and then it was a four week break. I love playing for the fans and meeting fans but I missed my mums home cooked meals and the sound of her yelling for me whenever I ignored her because of fifa.

I hadn't seen the boys yet so I figured I was alone. Until I heard something from the game room. "Michael Gordon Clifford!" I heard a girl scream (not in the way I thought thank god) but in annoyance. I walked in to see Michael on the floor, asleep. His girlfriend, Ashlee, standing over him, and looking like she was ready to kill him.

"Hey, Ash." I said with a smile. She smiled a bit and said, "We were talking and he just... fell asleep?" She looked like she was ready to cry. "He has been up for five days if that helps anything." I offered, feeling Michael emotionally. We've all been up for a week. She sighed and nodded. "I'll see you guys back home, I'm gonna go visit my bestfriend and then I'll be at the show in Melbourne."

She kissed Michael's cheek and hugged me andthen she was gone, leaving me to get Michael in his bunk. 


If you want the cover also let me know about that, but it has my username on it so you can add yours, which will give me credit for making the cover. But do whatever you want c: 

UPDATE: You can't see my username on it

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