A Self-Righteous Hypocrite

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I am a self-righteous hypocrite.
I find the slightest happiness in helping others 
When I can't find happiness for myself.

I always say that it's going to be okay.
When I am the only one who's not.

I always say they're not alone and I am there for them always.
But who is there for me when I am alone?

I always say whenever they need me, I'm always here 
When no one is even there when I need them.

I always say everything's fine
When everything's already starting to break over.

I always say if they're lost and can't find their way
I will be there to find them and bring them back.
When no one's ever there if I'm lost in the darkness.

I constantly try to fix their problems
when I can't fix my own problems.

I always say that I am here for them to wipe their tears
when no one's there to save me from drowning in an ocean full of sadness

I always say that I can try and save them
When no one's there to save me from the brink of darkness.

I always try to make them happy 
When no ones there to stop me falling into the pit of depression

I am a self-righteous hypocrite who is doomed to kill himself;
because of the state of selflessness he can not erase. 

When he always finds himself in solitude;
because the world turns on him and won't believe a word he say.

Even the world demands him to wear a crown of thorns upon his head.
No one is there, to save you from that fortress of solitude you have made for yourself.

The World is such a cruel thing is it not? 
The never ending cycle of suffering will keep circling until the end of time.

Short Stories/PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon