39: Old Fear And A . . . Saviour?

Start from the beginning

"Uh. Yeah. Um, ikindalivewithhim?" Harry stutters out fast. His heart beating so fast and loud he is afraid Rob would be able to hear it.

Rob turns to look at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I um, like, live with him? He's my um . . He's my flatmate." Harry says, internally cursing himself for being impulsive and calling ROB out of all people.

When he very well knows that Rob doesn't like Louis.

"Nice nice." Rob says, clasping his hands at the back.

Harry tries to explain but Rob just laughs it off.

"No need to explain mate. I know you are straight. And that you must have a. . . a compulsion to live with him . . . right?" Rob questions.

"Of course. . that's the only reason, yeah." Harry says, nervously.

"Very well then. So tell me, why was it that you invited me over? Needed a smoke, yeah?" Rob asks, taking out the packet of cigarettes already.

"Yeah. Need to loosen up a bit." Harry says, accepting the cigarette offered by Rob.

Inhaling the smoke, Louis wakes coughing up a lung, after they had their fifth cigarette.

But Harry and Rob are so high to even notice a thing.

"H-Harry? W-Why is there s-smoke in the h-house?" Louis coughs and reaches out to touch Harry's shoulder.

However, seeing Rob, Louis' hand drops.

He stumbles back. Falling down as the back of his leg hitting the coffee table.

His face terror stricken, vulnerable.

Rob laughs. Swaying a bit, he harshly pulls Louis up.

Tugging Louis against his chest, Rob laughs into his ear. The smoke filling Louis' nose, making Louis difficult to breathe.

"How are you sweetie?" Rob smirks, running a hand down Louis' side. Feeling him up.

Uncomfortable, Louis struggles. This weird feeling of vulnerability engulfs him, as he fought to get out of his arms.

This is too much for him to handle, too much all of a sudden.

Harry just lays there, watching but doing nothing.

Rob takes both of Louis' wrists in one hand tightly and pulls him flush against the chest.

"L-let me go!" Louis says as confidently as he can manage.

"Boohoo aw Lou. No way." Rob says grinning filthily.

Louis continues to resist against the constraints. But Rob doesn't let go. Instead he buries his head in Louis' neck.

A sound, suspiciously sounding like a growl is heard and suddenly Louis is being ripped away from Rob with a swift movement.

Rob looks up startled. His hands clenching around air, now that they aren't holding Louis.

It is Harry who is holding Louis in his arms, shielding his head with his hands cupping it and his dark eyes glaring daggers at Rob.

Rob sighs and shakes his head.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing, Rob?"

"What? Is he your boyfriend? " Rob asks, maliciously, an evil tinge to his smirk.

"N-No. I'm not." Louis is the one who finally stutters out the reply as he forcefully moves out of Harry's arms and stands to face Rob himself.

To say that Rob is startled by this sudden change in Louis is an understatement.

But before Rob can question him about that or even react, Louis pushes him. Hard. Which makes the still high Rob stumble and fall.

Louis then grabs Rob's shirt collar, hauls him up with sudden strength and literally drags him until he is out of the front door. Effectively kicking him out of the flat.

Harry can't believe what he just saw with his eyes.

'Maybe it was a hallucination. . .? Must be. ' He tries to reason out what he just witnessed, nodding to himself as he justifies in his mind that this was probably an illusion. He is high after all.

"What the hell was Rob doing in my flat Harry?!" Louis shouts, a strange kind of glow on his face.

"Our. . ." Harry whispers.


"It's our flat, Louis. We kinda share that, really."

"Yeah. Whatever. Now, answer my damn question, Harry!" Louis shouts again, coming to loom over Harry.

"I invited him. He is my best friend." Harry says, albeit a bit childish, but Louis looks like a mom scolding her child . . so Harry can't be blamed.

Louis flails his hands in frustration. After fish-mouthing for a few moments, Louis gives up.

"But . . . how? Wh- Okay, whatever. I don't care. Just. . . don't invite him to my flat." Louis says, rubbing his hands tiredly across his face.

"Why? If you can invite Stan over,I can invite my friend over to our flat too." Harry say, crossing his arms, mouth forming into a pout.

"So? He is my boyfriend for your information. And you living here is only a temporary arrangement here, so my conditions apply. And I don't want you inviting over Rob or whatever friends you have." Louis states, moving to go up to his room. He is on the fifth step when Harry finally speaks up.

"So this means I can invite over Caroline then. You know, my girlfriend ? Oh but of course you know her right? She can come over then.. Good. Actually that's great! I'll invite her tomorrow." Harry says, stumbling past Louis to move up the stairs.

And if Louis cries himself to sleep that night, then no one has to know.


How was it?
Tell me tell me!

Love as always,
LarryHaveBabies xx.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now