Chapter 1

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-Alyssa, look at this one, is amazing!

-Yes! I like it too! 

-This collection from Prada is definitely awesome!

-Of course! I really love it!

I was with Chiara, Regina and Blair at the new Prada's collection fashion show. It was October of 12th grade. Chiara was loving every single outfit that the models were wearing. Definitely, it was a cool collection. We couldn't wait for it to go out to the stores.

-Hey, Alyssa, look at this one, it will fit perfect on you for Rick's party!

-Wait, are we still going?

-Sure! Is one of the most important parties of the year, and we are some of the most important girls around Manhattan. Obviously we gotta be there!

-I thought we were not going after Blair and him broke up..

-Oh, it's okay Lis. I'm alright now. There's just going to be a lot of people there that probably I don't notice he is between those people. I'm over it. We can still go

-Alright, but anyways, that dress is so striking. I'm not sure if I wanna wear it.

-Girl! That dress is perfect! And the collection comes out in two weeks, just the perfect date for buying it and wearing it to Rick's party! And obviously is striking, you gotta be striking, you are the most fashionable girl around town, is what people expect from you!

-Oh, Regina, shut up! We four are, no differences. Maybe I buy it, we'll see how it looks like on me.

-It will look awesome, right Blair?

-Definitely Chiara!

The fashion show ended, and as VIP guests, we had the privilege to talk to Miuccia Prada, the current director of the line, for second time. 

-Girls! Hey, come here! I've been waiting for you!

-Hello, mrs. Prada! - we said the four of us at the same time.

-I love you girls! You are such an amazing inspiration for teenagers here in Manhattan! Since the last time I saw you, last fall, I've heard a lot of things about you! I was so glad that you got VIP tickets again this season. What do you think about my new collection?

-We absolutely love it! - shouted Chiara

-Chiara, girl... It's amazing, we definitely love it so much! - replied Regina.

-Actually - intervened Blair - there's a dress by the last models, that is totally awesome, and we were wondering when it's going to come out because it will look amazing in Alyssa. We have an important party in almost three weeks, you know, with press people and all that stuff, and it will be awesome if Alyssa wears it. You know she's an important name between the teenagers all around Manhattan...

-Blair!.... - I whispered. That was kinda embarassing.

-Oh, god! Are you serious? That will be amazing if you wear one of my dresses to an important party! Oh my godness, obviously there's going to be a dress for you! Which one is it?

-Actually... - I said.

-Look! Is that one! - Blair shouted and pointed at a blonde girl that was wearing a sparkly silver dress.

-This one? It's one of my favorites. You have good sight girls. That's why I love you so much.  Kelly, take this dress off, put it into a box and take it here, immediately. 

-As you wish, mrs. Prada.

-Honey, - she said, looking at me- this dress is all yours.

-But mrs. Prada... - i said.

-You can call me Miuccia, honey.

-Oh, okay.. Miuccia, I don't deserve this dress.

-Sweetie, you deserve more than this dress, and if you wear it in that party, you are making me the most happiest designer ever. Just say yes and don't argue no more.

-Of course she says yes! She's just, shocked... Right Lissy? - said Regina.

-Uhm, I guess so...

-Perfect! There's no more to talk about! Oh, here it comes. Thanks Kelly. Look, let's write right here: clean it, take it to mrs. Prada office as soon as possible. It will be at your house through this week honey. I already have your address so, there's no problem!

-Thank you so so much Miuccia, this is a big present.

-Oh honey, you deserve it. Now girls, if you excuse me, I gotta go and supervise my models. They have to get ready for the presentation party tonight. Are you going to come?

-We were going to, but we already have a birthday party from one of the girls of our school, and we promised we will be there. But we wish we were at your party, mrs. Prada. - said Chiara.

-Oh, no big deal sweeties. You are so adorable, I hope seeing you soon girls. I love you so much. And I hope seeing one picture of you and my dress at the party Alyssa!

-Sure, we have a deal.

-Okay girls, see you next time, I love you!

-We love you too mrs. Prada!

We went out of the building shouting out loud. Miucci Prada just gave me one of the best dresses she ever made. That was totally awesome! 

-Oh girls, that was amazing! - I said.

-It totally was! You're gonna rock it out on Rick's party! - said Blair.

-Definitely! - shouted Chiara.

-Okay girls, what about a 5th Avenue? Do you feel so? - proposed Regina.

-Sure! - said me and Chiara at unison.

-Yes, I'm okay with that! - said Blair.

-Okay, i'm gonna call and book a table for us four. Chiara, do you wanna call Jake?

-Oh, no. He's with college work, and today is a girl's day. So preferably not. 

-Okay, that's fine. 

While Regina was calling to 5th Avenue, our favorite restaurant since 8 months ago, Chiara, Blair and me were laughing so hard at what just happened. 

-Girls, that's unbelievable. If that dress looks good on me, is going to be my favorite dress ever.

-It should! I mean, the awesome Miuccia Prada gave it to you. As a present! Girl, you are so lucky!

-Definitely Nate is going to love your outfit! - said Chiara.

-Oh girl, shut up. I don't think he's on me.

-Giiiiiiirl! Have you looked at yourself? You are awesome! And you always look pretty! I don't know how you still think you're not! - said Blair.

-Hey girls! There's one reserved table for us in 5th Avenue! Do you wanna go right now? We're close to it. 

-Uhm, yes, I feel kinda hungry. - I said.

-Yes, me too. - said Blair.

-Oh, can we go first at Madeleine's? I gotta check a new bracelet. Vianca told me they have amazing bracelets there, but there's this one that is awesome. Is just 20 dollars.

-20 dollars? That's not too bad. Well, we're used to buy bracelets for 100, so for one time that we go back to the cheap times, is not that bad. No one's gonna notice it! - said Regina.

I know it sounded like a prick, but, we were four of them, and we were so used to it that we didn't realise. If I were in my older school, 20 bucks for a bracelet would be related to suicide.

Fashion VictimOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora