Like Mother, Like Daughter

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By the time Monica Matthews had reached the age of 25, she had established her name as one of the most successful engineers of the era. With Iron Defender already known as one of the most heroic Avengers, she focused her most recent years in developing new technology within growing Stark Industries. Drawing up the basic business plans for her charity Limbs of Love is only Monica's most recent venture. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark Industries has been more than grateful to have Monica's expertise on their side. Her parents could not be more proud of their little inventor.

Pepper Potts has stepped up to be an exceptional CEO for Stark Industries as well. In the recent fallout following the Sokovia Accords and the Superhero Registration Act, she has kept the company out of receiving any backlash both socially and financially. The past few years has left anyone with ties to any Avengers intensely divided with the public scrutinizing their every move. With more and more people with gifted powers coming out of the shadows, the amount of civil unrest has been at an all-time high. Even with everyone ready to point fingers at whose fault it is, Pepper has kept the company name clean without any damage.

With the backlash of the Civil War calming down and coming to an end, both Pepper and Monica found themselves less under the scrutiny of the media and reverting back a bit to their normal lives. Whereas they spent the past years focusing solely on damage control, now the women are allowed to branch out and socialize without fear of bombardment. To celebrate this, Pepper and Monica feel that it is okay to respond to the inbox full of interview requests. With the only press being vital press conferences, neither of the two have had any fun publicity. The Stark publicist carefully screened each offer to find only the reporters of the highest prestige along with a list of criteria given by both Monica and Pepper. One of the things the publicist had to decline was any offer for a photoshoot; Monica only allows one photographer to photograph her once a year and Pepper only wanted her pictures taken when it is in honor of a special event. However, when the publicist came across one particular email he knew the two women would make an exception.

He was absolutely right.

"Oh my word," Alex Matthews exhales loudly as he catches sight of the magazine cover.

"How the actual hell...?" Tony murmurs as gazed upon his own magazine.

"Has Mon and Pepper seen this yet?" Alex inquires as he has yet to tear his eyes off of the front cover.

"I doubt it. It just hit the shelves today," Tony shakes his head, "Would it be weird if I framed this?"

"Only if you didn't make a second for me," Alex responds with a chuff.

"I can have that arranged," Tony hums under his breath without looking away from the cover.

"I would appreciate that," He sucks in a breath as he and Tony continue standing in the middle of the living room. "Did you know they were doing this photoshoot?"

"No, but I mean yes," Tony shakes his head, "I just thought it was a frilly mother-daughter type shoot, nothing more than something to show off how much they love each other and how pretty they are, something easy like that-"

"And not like where they look as two goddesses that could strike you down with one gaze," Alex fills in the rest of Tony's sentence, who nods slowly in agreement.

Emit magazine, the most prestigious history publication, had officially chosen Pepper and Monica as their "Most Influential Women of the Decade." With being awarded the title given to such other famous women like Marie Curie, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Madame CJ Walker, the two women were honored to be awarded. To showcase their elite new face of the title, Emit enlisted the mother-daughter duo to star as the topic of their most recent magazine. They wished to highlight the importance of family and the strength of the mother-daughter bond in their spread, but with their photographs capturing the elegance and beauty in formidable women. According to Tony and Alex, the photoshoot captured just that and more.

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