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"Okay, so how about Wands first?" Regulus asked the two in Diagon Alley, a small wizards street.

"Yeah sure." Mason agreed.

The three made their way to Olivander's, getting some looks on the way, mainly due to the eldest man being an ex-Death Eater.

Regulus ran a hand through his black hair, I hope Igor's not up to something, at least when I slipped the Veritaserum in his drink he wasn't.

While the twins had similiar thoughts, what's Durmstrang gonna be like?

The trio made their way into the wand shop, Olivander giving them a look Danielle didn't recognise.

"Ah, Mr Black. I still remember your wand, 11 inches, hawthorn wood and a dragon heartstring core." The old man spoke.

Regulus nodded, "Yes, although it's these two that are in need of wands."

"Ah, I see." Olivander proceeded to find a wand for Mason.

"10 inches, beech wood with unicorn hair core." Mason waved the wand and a glass vase broke into tiny shards.

"Perhaps not that one, maybe this, 11 inches, ash wood and dragon heartstring core."the boy once again waved it and this time a few papers caught fire, which Regulus put out with a quick spell.

"Definitely not. Ah, 12 inches, oak wood and Unicron hair core." Mason hesitantly waved the wand, a book came flying straight into his hands and he smiled.

"Third time's a charm. Literally. That'll be two galleons." They paid and Olivander turned to Danielle.

"For you my dear, what's your name?" He inquired.

"Danielle Black, sir." The girl spoke confidently.

Olivander's eyes widened, The girl who lived?

He hurried off and came back with five different boxes.

The first wand made her break another glass vase, the second made several books clatter to the floor. Third, she accidentally set fire to Mason's shirt, which he glared at her for. He was now forced to walk shirtless until they found him a new one. Fourth, papers flew around the desk. Fifth, another glass shattered.

"I wonder..." Mumbled Olivander as he picked up a wand at the back of the store. He glanced to Danielle and walked back.

"11½ inches, ebony wood with a pheonix feather core."

Danielle held the wand and a warm sensation engulfed her, spreading fron her finger tips to the rest of her body. A golden light seemed to shine and it seemed as if she was an angel with a halo but missing wings.

"Curious... Very curious." Olivander mumbled.

"What's curious?" Regulus almost snapped.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Black. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in this wand, gave another two feathers -- just two others. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother why, its brother gave you that scar." He gestured to Danielle's leg, which was unconverted because she wore shorts.
"Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember.... I think we must expect great things from you, Miss Black... After all, He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things -- terrible, yes, but great."

Regulus gave a curt nod and payed before ushering the two out of the shop.

"Okay, books. Give me your lists, I'll get them. You two go find pets." Regulus walked into Flourish and Blotts as the twins walked into a pet store.

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