1: The Florist

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"The flowers are nice, aren't they?" Yoongi looked up and saw a blond boy with a bright smile on his face, and he doesn't know, but his mood immediately lit up from the smile on the boy's face. "Hi, I'm Jimin. I work here, obviously," Jimin introduced with a little laugh.

"Oh... I.... I'm... Uhm..." Yoongi stuttered, a bit hesitant to tell his name to a complete stranger.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me though, I understand. I mean you don't really give your name to random strangers everyday, right? I'm just used to it that's all," Jimin said and fixed the flowers in the flower stand.

And with that, Yoongi actually felt comfortable to tell the blond haired boy his name. "Yoongi, Yoongi's my name." Jimin looked back at Yoongi and smiled at him.

"Yoongi, huh?" Jimin nodded. "Do you wanna come inside for lunch? You just came in time,"Jimin offered.

"Uhm, I'd rather not," Yoongi said, in the most polite way possible. I shouldn't be taking requests from a stranger, I know that much.

Jimin pouted and Yoongi actually found him cute. "But I cooked today, and I've finally mastered a recipe I've been practicing for awhile. I swear there's no poison in it."

Yoongi chuckled. Okay, how can I think that when  this person is too adorable? He caved in and said, "Alright, fine." Jimin beamed and dragged the gray-haired boy in the flower shop, making the bells attached to the door, chime.

"Oh, Jimin, a customer?" An old man asked, sitting behind the counter.

"Well, not technically, but I met someone new," Jimin said. Yoongi looked around and marveled at the flower shop, looking really nice and aesthetic.

"Who... Designed this place?" Yoongi asked. Jimin turned around and smiled once again. Doesn't this boy get tired of smiling ever? Yoongi thought. Yoongi brought up his camera and took a clean shot of the flower shop.

"I did," Jimin said. "Do you like it? I helped my grandfather design this place," he said and pointed to the old man behind the counter.

"It's nice," Yoongi said. Jimin held his hand again and Yoongi somewhat felt embarrassed by it.

"C'mon we don't want the food to get cold, now do we?" Jimin said and dragged Yoongi up to the second floor.


Jimin and Yoongi finished lunch and, boy was Yoongi stuffed.

"I could admit that that was the best lunch I've ever had," Yoongi said and accidentally burped, muttering an 'excuse me.'

With that, Jimin had the biggest smile Yoongi's ever seen for today. "You really think that?"

"I do. You could be like in Masterchef or something," Yoongi said truthfully. Jimin looked like he was about to cry because of the compliment and motioned to hug Yoongi, but Yoongi stopped him. "Uh, sorry, I'm not really comfortable with hugging people." Jimin understood, so he backed away.

"So are you okay now?" Jimin asked as he rested his face on his hands, a serious gaze directed towards Yoongi. The only serious gaze Yoongi's seen come from the younger.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, confused by his question.

"I was watching you walk by the flower shop and you had this frown on your face and it looked so distasteful. Did anything bad happen to you today? Because no one really comes by this flower shop so often, we only get customers every two or so days. I swear this place is so inconvenient to put up a business in," Jimin said with a sigh.

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