Chapter 1: Her Butt Could Beat Kim in a Showdown

Start from the beginning

"Julie! Hey talk to me. What's up? I haven't seen you like this in a while." The blonde questions about to let her mouth go on a rampage, but stops herself before starting.

Julie's brown and blue eyes stare up at Lauren with tears ready to run from her eyes. The brunette feels like running all the way home and becoming a ball. Dexter is one of the worst guys at the school. He constantly makes fun of Julie to the extent of her crying.

"What did Dex to do to you?"

Julie sniffles a couple of times trying to make her tears disappear. "I can't talk about it right now. I just wanna..." Julie pauses for a few seconds, "Lay in bed all day and wrap a blanket around me and think."

"Okay." Lauren simply answers, biting the inside of her lip trying to figure her friend out. The blonde vows go get down on her hands and knees and find out what happened between Dex and Julie. The blonde might be new to this school, but figuring kids out here wouldn't take much.

The brown haired teenager pulls herself up from the park bench, and walks herself home to cry in a ball. Eating a bunch of mint chip ice cream. She was going to have her crazy moment by shaking back and forth in a tiny ball.
Julie is strolling down the road, searching for the rocks on the ground and kicking them. Her head is down letting her straight hair fall in front of her face. Tears are about to fall from her face. Why did this have to happen? Her forehead comes in contact with a hard surface making her body fall against other body.

"Jules, watch out where you're going." A deep voice that sounds like silk demands. Julie's eyes peer up to meet a deep hunter green shade of eyes. His brown messy hair that gave him his bad boy look. His 6'2 height made him half a foot taller then her. Her body started to cower away from him noticing it was her bully in grade school.

Dex moved away a couple of years ago before the eighth grade. Now they are going into the tenth grade and the bullying is going to start all over again. It took Julie an entire year to stop jumping every time a locker shut next to her and when someone would say her name. Once again, she is facing her bully.

Her eyes downcast. "I thought I told you not to call me that."

"Why does your new friend get to call you that, but not me? I'm feeling a bit wounded now." Dex throws a fake pouting expression on his face. He leans forward a bit and puts his finger under her chin. Now it was one brown and one green eye looking into two determined hunter green eyes.

An angry feeling suddenly erupts from the bottom of her heart. "Look here asshole I'm not going to go through this bullying shit again. I'm not weak like I use to be. So stay as far away as you can be."

Her heart was hammering in her chest. "Wow Jules, where did this fire come from. Who lite the fuse in your ass?"

Her eyes begin to narrow at him turning into silts. "I don't know maybe it's Mr. Asshole standing in front of me is the one who brought the inner bitch of me out."

His head tilts back and the most beautiful laugh came from his throat making the brunette hold her breath. He just kept laughing making him lean forward a bit. The smart teen shakes her head back and forth trying to figure his problem out. Her mouth turns into a frown realizing that Dex was never going to take her serious. She kicks him in the shin.

"Ow shit. Julie, what the hell?" Dex leans down to grab a hold of his shin, bouncing on one leg. Dexter is currently cursing under his breath jumping around a bit. "Why did you do that. Dammit!"

Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Oh geez, he's never going to stop bullying me now. "Look Dexter, you need to shut the heck up and listen to me. I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you start bullying, but I'm not going to sit here like some punching bag. Just leave me alone." Julie finally explains everything turning on her heels and walking toward her house leaving a confused Dexter.

Dex stills watches as she strolls down the rest of the way into her house. His dark green eyes follows her the entire way. "I never meant to hurt you, Julie. I'm sorry for everything I've done." Dexter murmurs to himself in a velvet voice, while the wind carries it to an unknown destination. He kicks a rock that is laying on the ground letting out a deep breath. Unpuffing his cheeks.
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The best one will become the cover..

Dexter is the kind of bad boy who keeps to himself masking his feelings from everyone else. So throughout this story it'll take a while before he really shows the feeling called happiness. Sorry to say. Julie is that shy girl who doesn't stand up for herself, but when Dex left she started to break from her shell as you just read.

The next chapter will be of Dex trying to talk to her again. It will be of her avoiding him a lot. Lauren is still trying to figure out what went down between Dex and Julie. I plan to update this chapter sometime this week or maybe in a couple of days.

Thanks for reading this first chapter and I would appreciate it if you would comment and vote for it. 😀

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~Victoria Ryder (Tori)

The Summer of a Lifetime... ©2016

Chapter One- August 1, 2016

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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