Chapter 2

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Everyone was silent while we walk back home, "I know its kinda weird for me to be saying this, but I think we should get jobs or rob stores for the rest of our lives.. Or we'll be kicked outta our place." I say looking down at the road we're all walking on. "She's right, I think we should all get some kinda job." Sage says smiling brightly at me, I look up at him blankly then give him a little smile and look back down. I heard Brookey and Allie whispering to each other. I give them a suspicious look, I look back at Sage and look back at the ground again.

I notice Brookey and Allie walk over to the sidewalk slowly, leaving me and Sage walking in the middle of the road. I look at them wondering why they moved over to the sidewalk, my phone vibrated I checked it, and it was Allie and Brookey texting me "Talk to him!" "Why?" I asked "Because he's your "friend". They texted back I glared at them wondering what was going on in there heads I shrugged I was to tired to think about it so to start our conversation, I nudged him, he looked at me smiling and nudged me back only with a little more power, since I'm part wolf my wolf instinct was kicking in and I couldn't let him win so I nudged him with even more power then before, soon enough we started pushing each other and laughing I got so into it, I actually felt myself heating up and getting mad I've never felt this kinda feeling before. I lost control, it isn't like me to get so mad that I feel myself losing control of the wolf I started freaking out a little, all of a sudden.

I changed into my wolf form it is like I'm unconscious but I see what's happening, it isn't me who's controlling my wolf form I couldn't do anything. It's as if I have another side, a side of some kinda darkness that's just fighting to get out and it finally did, I am so scared of what's gonna happen my dark side looked at Sage and started growling, Ace ran in front of me and said "PEACHY STOP, THIS ISN'T U, U NEED CONTROL OF YOURSELF." My dark side hit Ace out of the way and looks back at Sage and starts to growl again and starts walking toward him slowly.

He's frightened I can tell, his eyes are widened Brookey and Allie run in front of me in there wolf form "PEACHY GET CONTROL THIS IS SAGE YOUR ABOUT TO ATTACK, SAGE IS OUR BEST FRIEND AND YOUR LOVER." They both say I start to cry but no one can hear me, its the dark side that's taking control. I tried to move, I tried everything to get control, my wolf form tried to get past Brookey and Allie, some how I could feel my wolf form getting frustrated because it couldn't get past Brookey and Allie.

Finally, my wolf form decides to jump up and over when it jumped I tried so hard to take control, my wolf form jumped really high up to get over Brookey and Allie, when it jumped I closed my eyes and tried really hard to get control, next thing I know is I hit the concrete of the road. I'm laying on my stomach and I am crying my eyes out from before, Brookey and Allie transforms back to there regular human self. Sage starts to run up to me but Brookey and Allie stop him "Stop, don't go any closer, we don't know if she's safe for you to get close to her." Sage stands there watching Brookey and Abby walk closer to me, I can tell he's worried.

Brookey and Allie get on there knees "Peachy? Are u ok?" They look at each other. Allie turned me over on my side, and all of a sudden she stepped backwards as if she was somewhat frightened. "What's wrong Allie?" Brookey asked. Allie pointed at my face, while Brookey walked up to me and moved my hair outta my face, and she gasped, once Allie calmed down we walked home, once we got to the house Brookey and Allie put Sage in a room, "Don't come out of here until we come get you." They say to Sage, he nods and closes the door.

I opened my eyes, I start to feel around, I'm laying down on our couch, everything was blury I could barely see two figures standing in front of me, I think it's Brookey and Allie "Brookey? Allie? Is that you?" I say "Yeah it's us, can you not see, Or something?" Brookey asks "No, everything is all blury I can barely see you guys" I say in a rather worried voice. I hear  someone get up and walk outta the room. "Did Allie just walk outta the room?" I say looking around "Yeah Allie just walked out" Brookey says as she glances at the doorway. "Why did she leave?" I ask "Most likely to tell Sage that your awake, but can't see." Brookey says

"Hey Brookey." "Yeah Peachy?" When we were in the middle of the street.. Why were you and Allie freaked out?" I ask Brookey "Well if you could see I would give you a mirror, but when I moved your hair outta your face, your eyes.. They were.. red." Brookey says in a more worried voice "What?! Are they still red?!" I say raising my voice and starting to freak out." "Peachy, you need to calm down. The fact that you can't see makes it even worse, if you get to stressed you will most likely transform back into your wolf form." Brookey says (Being the Wizard of knowledge that she is).

            To be continued in the
                    next chapter....

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