chapter 12

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as soon as Jenna slammed the door closed Tyler burst into tears, he knew this was all a bad idea; and now Josh was in danger.

"t-Tyler" Josh said shakily as he stepped towards his friend. he opened his arms and Tyler took the offer and hugged him tightly.

"I can't kill you." he choked out between sobs, gripping onto to Joshs hoodie as if life depended on it. his heart was almost beating out his chest.

"yeah, uh... please don't" Josh laughed awkwardly, still both scared and confused at the situation. Tyler broke away from the hug and looked away, trying to think of a plan.

"we have to run" he said quietly after a few minutes "what?"
"we have to run away. I can't kill you, and I can't let someone else do it either. You're in this mess because of me, so I need to fix it" Tyler explained as he shoved the knife into his pocket.

"so, should I pack or something?" Josh asked as Tyler began to gather his things.
"yeah. just like money and clothes and stuff" he muttered in response.

once they were ready the two got into Joshs car and started driving to Tyler's house. Tyler grabbed some things in a backpack before running back to Josh and driving again. he wasn't entirely sure where they was going, but he just wanted to get to safety.

"I'm sorry" Tyler said quietly as they drove on the empty road, silence and darkness keeping them company. the only flicker of hope seemed to be the street lamps that littered the road and Joshs shallow breathing from the seat next to him.

"don't apologise" Josh grunted, barely awake. Tyler could feel the guilt twisting his stomach, he'd really messed up this time.

"we'll sort this out" he reassured, briefly looking to his friend who had now fallen asleep.

"I'm sorry"

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