Chapter 5

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"Someone will pay us a lot of money, and we only have to kill one person a week!" Jenna pleaded for Tyler to agree with the plan,"They tell us who they want us to kill, and we get the money!" Tyler sighed. It might have been easy money, but it was wrong. Very wrong.

"I don't know, I mean, killing someone who gets in your way in reasonable. But killing for no reason?" He then thought,"What if it's one of our friends?"

She sighed,"It won't be. Trust me, we will be fine. I have the first person we need to kill here." Jenna said holding out a piece of paper. It read the name of a woman he didn't know.

"Abby Hemsern." He said. Jenna nodded, putting in the address that was also on the paper,"We are going now?!" He yelped, they weren't even dressed properly.

He snickered a bit, dressed properly for murder. Jenna nodded,"Yes." She said turning to him and kissing him. She yanked her head, indicating it was time to go.

Tyler nodded, following her. They drove to a nice home, luckily it was far out so no one would see. They had decided to pretend that their car broke down, ask to come inside, and boom. Kill her.

They skidded to a halt infront of the small house. They both got out and knocked on the door of the ladies house. A young woman, probably in her thirties, came to the door. Along with her eighteen looking son. Jenna and Tyler exchanged worried looks, but Jenna started to talk.

"Hi! So so sorry to bother you, but our car has broken down. I was wondering if you had a jumper or anything like that?" The woman flashed an amazing smile,

"Actually my son right here is a car mechanic! He can look at it for you. While your here though, would you like some tea?" Of course he wanted tea. They both agreed and followed her in. They needed to get this done quick.

By following the plan, Tyler excused himself to the restroom but actually went to the back door. Unlocking it and opening it for a fast escape. He heard a small scream and then silence. It was over.

Jenna bolted out and Tyler followed. The pushed the young man out of the way and started up the car. They drove home feeling amazing.

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