She's 16

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"I can't believe you're 16!" I cry as I hug Kayleigh. She's growing up way too fast and I don't like it.

"Mom, I know you're emotional and all, but if you hug me any tighter I might actually die." She squirms out of my arms to get free "Besides, you still have Lexie and Ben."

"I know, but Lexie, Ben, and I get along. Who is going to bitch about me to me? It won't be the same." I ask. Everyone laughs at me. Except Adam, but that's only because he still hasn't figured out I'm joking most of the time.

"I can become a bitch." Lexie announces "It can't be too hard."

"Well, you are your mother's daughter," Justin says causing me to glare over at him "So it shouldn't be hard at all for you."

"You'll never be able to be as bitchy as me." Kay tells Lexie "You're too much like dad."

"True." Justin looks over at Ben "You're quiet. What's wrong?"

"I'm still trying to figure out why you're all so upset about this." He replies bluntly "It's not like she's moving out or anything. It's just her birthday."

"You just want the cake already." I see right through his lie "Go get it. It's on the kitchen counter."

"And bring it out on the beach?" He scrunches up his face "It'll get all sandy."

"Just go get the cake!" Kay orders him "I'm very hungry."

We all embarrass her by singing obnoxiously as Ben walks out with the cake. She tries to hide her face at first, but realizes Adam is the only one here and he doesn't care.

"I'll never get used to how random your family is." He tells her as we eat "But I like it. Things like this are so much more interesting."

We finish the cake, letting Kay eat basically the whole thing, and then let her decide what we should do.

"I wanna build a campfire." She suggests looking over at Justin mischievously "If you know how to."

"I think I can figure out how to build a campfire." He glares over at her defending himself "It's going to be the best damn campfire you've ever seen."

"Sure it is." She says walking away with Adam "I've seen some pretty nice ones that Adam built."

"When have you been with him at a campfire?!?" Justin yells not realizing how far away she is.

Kayleigh's POV:

"Is your dad really going to make that?" Adam asks. We found a semi private part of the beach to sit at.

"Since I told him you've made them of course." I laugh as I look over at him. He wraps his arm around my back and I lean in to lay my head on his shoulder.

"Happy birthday!" He surprises me by handing me an envelope. I open it and look at it in shock.

"Tickets to Hawaii?!?!" I completely freak out "For the two of us?"

"Yeah." He answers me laughing "We leave next week."

"Oh my God! Thank you!!" I wrap my arms around him tightly and kiss him "I love you!"

"I love you too, Kayleigh." He kisses me back "I take it you're happy with the gift?"

"It's amazing. I love it."

"Great, so you'll forgive me for this." He smirks confusing me before picking me up.

"Adam! What are you doing?!?" I try to get out of his arms "Put me down!"

He continues to run until he reaches the water. Before I can get out of his arms I'm dropped into the cold ocean.

"What the hell, dude!" I resurface and splash him "That's so mean!"

"It's not nice to splash either!" He replies splashing me back.

"Kay!" I hear mom yell "The fire is ready!"

Adam and I race out of the water. I notice her standing next to dad watching as Ben and Lexie play some dumb game and know that this is my chance to surprise her.

I run up behind her and give her a huge hug. She turns around quickly, batting my arms away after noticing that she's now soaked.

"That's so not cool." She starts to case me through the sand. I don't watch where I'm running because I'm too busy looking behind me and end up running right into the water and falling flat on my face.

"Paybacks a bitch!" Mom yells as she runs out of the water. I sit in the sand laughing at myself.

"This is actually a cool fire, dad." I admire it as I eat my s'more "You actually surprised me. I didn't think you could do it."

"I can do lots more than you think." He looks around at Ben, Lexie and me "I helped make all of you, that should mean something."

"Yeah," mom laughs at him "You really helped. Good job."

"You're welcome." He says sarcastically to all of us. Mom hits him playfully and mumbles something. Adam sits next to me looking beyond uncomfortable.

"So did you get your present yet?" Ben asks me. I look from him to Adam and know he must've been involved.

"What present?" Mom and dad ask.

"Uh, I'm going to Hawaii." I answer them nervously "... with Adam."

"That's cool!" Mom replies happily "Hawaii is beautiful! You'll have so much fun." Dad just glares over at Adam until mom punches him in the arm.

"Yeah, you'll love it." He adds without any enthusiasm.

"That's not fair!" Lexie complains "I wanna go to Hawaii!" We all laugh at her and mom reminds her that she was there not too long ago.

"This has been a really great birthday." I tell everyone after a while "I thought it would be boring to do this instead of going out with all your friends, but I really liked it. Thanks for doing this, and for letting me invite Adam."

"You're welcome, princess." Dad leans over to hug me "And have fun in Hawaii. You two deserve a nice vacation."

Lasting Love Part 2Where stories live. Discover now