Family Bonding Time

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"Kids, come on!" I yell upstairs to where they're stalling "Dads waiting! We need to leave!"

"Still don't understand why we need to do this," Kay slowly walks down the steps "I'm gonna miss Adam!"

"You'll get over it," I get her out the door "What are your brother and sister doing?"


"Seriously, guys!" I walk to the bottom of the steps "Get your asses down here! NOW!"

They finally both run down the stairs, and we walk out to the car, where Kay is already complaining to Justin. None of them are happy about this "vacation" since they found out they won't have any cell signal, so they're all mad and complaining about everything.

"You sure about this?" I ask him. It was his idea. "Are we going to be coming back with all 3 of them?"

"We'll be fine." He reassures me "I don't know about them, but the two of us are gonna love it."

We drive for a few more hours, then Justin and I switch so that he can have a break. The kids are all still awake, and getting more impatient since they're already losing signal.

"Mooooom!" Lexie complains "I was trying to text my friend back."

"Well they can wait." I try to think of something they can do until we get there "Watch a movie or something."

They fight over which movie to watch, and after awhile I hear one playing. Justin thinks that all their complaining is funny, mostly because this was his idea. He claims the vacation is to get them away from their phones and bring us closer as a family, but I think it's also just to see how miserable they get.

"How much longer?" I ask him "I feel like I've been driving on this road for hours."

"About 20 minutes." He answers "Then I just need to do the check in stuff, and they'll show us how to get to the cabin."

I drive along the long, narrow, gravel road until we see a huge log cabin with the name of the camp site on it. Justin gets out so check in, and 10 minutes later in following someone who is showing us how to get to our cabin. I pull into the driveway, and the kids jump out of the car running around to the trunk to get their bags.

"You ready?" Justin asks us as we walk up to the door. We tell him we are, and he opens the door revealing the inside. There's a small kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and a living room with a TV for some entertainment. I walk through to the back door, which opens to a small deck that overlooks the lake. The kids run up to the rooms, fighting over who gets one to them self, and Justin follows me.

"You think they'll like the lake?" He asks "That's the main reason I picked this place."

"I think they're going to bitch about it, but they'll love it." I stand in silence for a while "They're not going to tell us if they like it or not. They don't want us to know."

"Well, they can complain all they want." He starts walking inside "Come on. Let's go make sure they don't try taking our room."

"Aren't they all the same?" I follow him.

"Ours is the biggest." He replies "Has a hot tub, too."

We run up, and end up kicking Lexie out of our room, telling her that she needs to share a room with Kay since they're the girls, and Ben gets his own room.

"What do we do now?" They complain once they're all unpacked.

"We're going to the lake." Justin walks out of our room in his bathing suit "Get changed." They all do as their told, and I change quickly as well, then we all meet in the living room.

"And what are we supposed to do here?" Kay asks as we walk to the lake "Throw rocks?"

"There's plenty to do." I point to the people around the lake "Talk to people. Make new friends."

"Ew, no." Ben points out some kid eating the sand.

"Okay, well don't talk to him." Justin says looking around "Or the one throwing rocks at her parents. All the others seem normal."

"And you guys can play with each other," I suggest "We had three kids for a reason."

They decide to play with a group of kids that are jumping off of a dock into the lake, leaving Justin and I to sit and watch them.

"Well, they aren't fighting, so I guess this is good so far." Justin watches them "Just as long as rocky kid doesn't hit them."

"Seriously where are that kids parents?" I ask him laughing "If she hits one of them I'm throwing rocks at the mom."

"Because that will solve the problem." He jokes "I think they'll be fine."

We watch as all the kids take turns running up to the rope, hanging on to it and flying off. They try to get creative and do some flips or spin around to make it more fun.

"Guys, watch!" Lexie yells over to us just as she grabs the rope. She leans backwards off of it, barley hanging on, and lets go doing a backflip into the lake.

"Good job, Lex!" I yell as Ben runs up for his turn. He does something similar, but lands with a much louder and painful sounding splash. He slowly gets up and swims to the side of the lake before making a painful walk over to us.

"I think I'm gonna lay here for a little." He sits next to us.

"Okay," Justin tries not to laugh "You want anything?"

"No, I'm okay."

We go back to watching the girls and their new friends, who all seem to be worried and confused about what happened to Ben. They stare over here for a while, wondering how he even walked, but get over that and end up going back to jumping in the lake.

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