5 Minutes Alone

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I stand in the shower letting the hot water hit my back. It relaxes my tight, tensed up muscles while I try to forget about everything for the only 5 minutes I'll get alone today.

"Mom!" Lexie interrupts my alone time by running into the bathroom "Kay took my dress and she won't give it back!"

"Can't you talk to your dad? I kinda wanted quiet for a few minutes." I poke my head out the door "Just remind her that it won't fit her anyway."

"I tried." She sighs "He told me to find you."

Before I get the chance to say anything else, Justin walks in the bathroom with his towel.

"Are you still mad about your dress?" He asks Lexie "I told her to give it back now."

She glares at him as she starts to walk out- her way of telling him it didn't work.

"Mom said she wanted to be alone."

"Well I need a shower, so I'm getting one." He hangs up his towel and starts walking towards the shower. He waits until she leaves to start undressing and walk in interrupting my quiet time.

"Why do they keep fighting?" He asks.

"I don't know, but I was kinda hoping to get away from it for a while." I try to hint at him using another bathroom "I wanted quiet for once."

"So?" He looks at me like I'm crazy "It's not like we have to talk. We shower together all the time to save water."

I try to finish my shower in peace, ignoring him standing on my "side", but he doesn't go along with that. I notice him staring over at me.

"Really?" I ask him unamused "I can't even take a shower anymore?"

He walks over wrapping his arms around me "Nope." He massages my hair moving it to the side of my neck "Why do you think I said I needed a shower?"

"Babe." I turn around looking him in the eyes, but quickly realize I won't get anywhere "Forget it. Go ahead." I let him take control. He picks me up and carries me out of the bathroom into our room where he makes sure the door is locked.

I lay on the bed, panting, waiting for him to get back.

He walks back and hovers over me. His hands run freely all over my wet, naked body. The tension between us becomes stronger as we wait for the next move. I grab his shoulders, pulling his face a few inches from mine. His lips brush mine, breaking the barrier as this turns into a steamy make out session. The suction is so strong it hurts when he separates and moves down to my neck.

I run my hands down his back, over his bare ass, and around to where I rub his now huge bulge "I need you" I pant between moans. He leaves a slow trail of kisses down my body making sure not to miss anywhere. I feel the heat of his breath once he makes to to my crotch and separates my legs for position.

"You ready?" He asks as he positions himself between my legs. I nod my head as response, not being able to talk.

He enters me slowly at first. I moan deeply with each thrust egging him on. Leaning over me, as he thrusts faster with each moan, his lips meet mine, kissing me passionately. I fill with pleasure as he starts to slow down.

I lay still, catching my breath minutes later as he falls next to me.

"I love you," he pulls me onto his chest.

I look up at him smiling "I love you too."

He wraps his arms around me creating a warm barrier, and we lay in silence for a few minutes. Once we've caught our breath, he starts to get up.

"They're going to be looking for us."

I follow him, grabbing the clothes I had ready to put on earlier, and walk out of our room and down to the kitchen.

The kids are sitting around the table: each doing their own thing with their left over food laying in front of them.

"Are you guys going to clean that up?" Justin asks them, stopping me from trying to get it for them.

"Are you guys going to stop having sex in the middle of the day when we can hear?" Kay asks us disgusted as she gets up and walks away "Get thicker walls."

I stand there, frozen, hoping Ben and Lexie didn't hear. That ends quickly when Ben opens his mouth.

"It is gross." He looks up at us trying not to laugh "Her reaction was funny though, she's pissed at you two."

I look from him to Justin to Lexie, who looks petrified, and try to remain serious "Well, she can get over it." I try to talk a little louder hoping Kay will hear me "Maybe it wouldn't have happened if she would've given Alexia her dress back."

A few seconds later, we all hear her yell back to us, followed by the dress being thrown down the stairs.

"It's not my fault you don't keep your legs shut!"

"Not cool, Kay!" Justin walks to the steps, yelling up to her.

"And?" She yells back, starting to piss him off "It's not cool to do what you did either."

I shake my head at Justin, who is about to go up to Kay to find out why she's so mad, getting him to stop.

"It's not worth it. She'll just be even more mad."

"Fine," he turns around to Ben and Lexie "You guys mad at us too?"

"Nope." Lexie gets up walking towards the dress "I really don't care what you two do. I'm just glad I got my dress back." She walks upstairs leaving us with Ben who is waving a paper in our faces.

"I need one of you to sign this."

"It's not another detention, is it?" I ask.

"Nope." Justin answers me reading the paper "Field trip." He signs it and hands it back to Ben, who gives it to me.

"Can you go with?" He asks "They need people again."

"I'm working that day. Sorry, buddy." I look over at Justin "You're off. Why don't you go?"

"Yeah, I'll go." He takes the paper back and fills out the rest of it "This means we can do something fun."

"Please do not get our child in trouble on a school trip."

"We won't do anything bad, mom. We never do."

I laugh at the two of them as I walk back upstairs to try to sort things out with Kay.

Lasting Love Part 2Where stories live. Discover now