In your hands. Final.

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"LEGOLAS!!" I shouted as tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably. "Wake up! You can't die!" I said as I shook his body that seemed as if he was already dead. "Please... I need you! You can't leave like this!" I said as I buried my head into his chest. Not wanting to leave him but soon I felt two pair of arms dragged me away from his body, I started to struggle out of their grip but they were too strong.

"LEGOLAS!!" I shouted but everyone ignored me as they surrounded Legolas' body and beside him is where I am suppose to be, it's where I belong. "LEGOLAS!! LET ME GO!!" I shouted as I tried fighting the men who tried taming me. but no matter how much I fought back or how much I begged and shout no one heard me and no cared. Suddenly I felt a burning sensation coming from my chest as if there was a fire growing from the inside of my chest. And shockingly in my Nazgul scream I screamed;


Making everyone stop what they were doing and all eyes were on me, the two men who held me flew away from me soon I was glowing green and gold it surrounded me like it was protecting me. I was confuse and scared at the same time suddenly I heard whispers and murmurs around me but as I took a closer look everyone was not talking, no mouth moved. So it must be the lights.

The light soon caressed my skin I tried backing away but the light didn't move nor did it go away. The light then went all over my body and I felt my face changing and I heard the faint scream of my Nazgul as it was taken out of my very own mouth. The light then showed me the mirror and I saw what I didn't expect it was me but not just myself I was a normal elleth, I wasn't a nazgul nor the daughter of the Witch King. As the light faded away I heard the gasps of the people especially King Thranduil,

"She is no mere elleth... she is Princess.... daughter of King Gil-Galad" he said, people stared at me in wonder. I smiled to myself as I remembered the faces of my real parents. but my eyes open as I remembered,

"Legolas" I whispered as I looked at his lifeless body in King Thranduil's arms. Tears started to erupt from my eyes. My heart fell sadly and I whispered "I love you" suddenly the green and gold light grew back and this time it went over to Legolas and for some reason it surrounded him. Everyone stared at Legolas with anticipation, what was the light doing to him?

 Suddenly everyone that was near me could hear the whispers;

Lips red as rose

Hair black as ebony

skin white as snow

Famed is thy beauty

A black hood cannot hide her gentle grace.

Alas! she is more than a nazgul you see.

"She is no mere elleth... she is Princess.... daughter of King Gil-Galad" he said, people stared at me in wonder. Everybody was too focused on the whispers or still pondering on King Thranduil's words, they heard but still working on believing. that no one noticed that Legolas was already standing up. My eyes lightened up as I saw him standing in front of me just a few meters away, healed and not harmed or wounded in any way. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw Legolas standing.

"Lostariel" he said as he smiled brightly after he checked his body for the sword that stabbed him but no wound was to be found. Tears were rolling down my face too overwhelmed and happy that Legolas was still alive. "Legolas" I whispered but all of a sudden guards grabbed me and I saw Legolas' frown. "I command you to release her!" Legolas said in his commanding voice. The guards looked at each other hesitated if they should let me go or not.

But as soon as they let me go I ran towards Legolas not caring if people stared at me in disapproval. "I love you Legolas, I am sorry" I said as I hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go. The bad moments that we had didn't seem so bad after all because what matters the most is that we are in each others arms now and we both knew deep inside that we'll never let go.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 years later

"Princess Lostariel" Gimli greeted me as he entered my room "Yes Master Dwarf?" I asked as I read a book. It has been two years since the Witch King died, the kingdom accepted me after of months regaining their trust and respect. At first I didn't fit in especially when the royals gathered. I was Princess of the Noldor, I would never be Queen if I didn't have a King.

Gimli smiled and said "Would you please accompany me" as he stretched out his arm for me to hold. I chuckled to myself, rolled my eyes and held his arm while we walked in the halls of King Thranduil's home. "You know ever since you arrived you made Legolas' life joyous, full of smiles and laughter" he said as his voice echoed through the halls.I giggled and said "He does the same to mine master dwarf" but as I looked at Gimli he gave me a red rose. I raised an eyebrow and he just took my hand and gave me the rose, "You're the light in his life, never let him go" he said as he walked away.

I was confused by the kind and sweet gesture. "Gimli!" I called out but he didn't turn around he just kept walking."My lady" someone said behind me, I turned around and saw Pippin and Merry. I laughed and asked "What are you guys doing here?" they both held their hands out for me to hold and as I took a hold of their hands and we kept walking through the halls "You're beauty is shines bright" Merry said then Pippin said "Brighter than the sun" as they both gave me a red rose. I accepted the rose and then they walked away just like Gimli. Suddenly Sam and Frodo appeared out of no where and handed me a rose sam said "He has always loved you" "And always will" Frodo added as they walked away and suddenly Aragorn came out of nowhere and linked my arm with his and brought me to the throne room of King Thranduil, Aragorn then gave me a rose and said "Love didn't change him but you changed him" then unexpectedly King Thranduil came and led me towards the entrance, he gave me a rose and said "And his love keeps increasing with each passing second" I smiled at the King then he whispered "Turn around"

I did as I was told and saw Legolas standing outside the kingdom, he was wearing his formal tunic and he had a single rose in his hand. "I love you with all my heart Lostariel daughter of King Gil-Galad." he said as he took steps towards me then the next thing that he did made my heart leap up into the sky. He got down on one knee grabbed one of my hands and asked "Will you marry me?" tears started forming in my eyes and in this moment the people around us didn't matter my eyes were too busy staring into his blue eyes where I saw my whole world.

I smiled brightly and jumped on him making us fall to the ground while I squealed "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes" I kissed Legolas passionately as people cheered around us. I was finally happy for once in my life.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 more years later. ;)

"Suiadan! Be careful or you'll shoot someone" Legolas said lovingly as he helped teach his first son how to shoot an arrow. I sighed to myself and giggled out "You know he is too young to learn how" Legolas then looked at me who still gave me butterflies and said while smirking "I learned how to shoot an arrow a year younger than him unlike you who never knew how" as he teased me making me playfully hit him. "Ada! It's so tiring can I go play with the other kids who are with Gandalf?" he asked in his cute voice. I laughed as Legolas rolled his eyes and said "Go my son. but be careful" Suiadan gave us both kisses and ran off.

"He looks just like you Melamin" Legolas said as he hugged me, "Don't forget that he also looks like you" I said as I kissed his nose. "Melamin? Can I asked a question?" he asked, I nodded and then he asked "Do you miss being a Nazgul?" taking me off guard.

I thought for a moment and said "No, I only miss Redrid and Saruman. but he was a evil man and I am confuse, because he was family to me. But I just don't miss it because I was in dark hands. I hate it" Legolas smiled lovingly at me and kissed me with all the passion that he felt and he pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes and said;

"You in my hands now"

I smiled at the thought of being in his arms forever, I loved it. This is where I truly belong my destiny was to never kill anybody, my destiny was to be with Legolas and have his children. I smiled at him and said;

"Yes, I am in your hands... now and forever"

and we shared the most sweet kiss of our lives.

And they lived happily Foever.

The End

I really hope you guys enjoyed the story! I'm in tears now that it is over. Thank you for reading and please do VOTE!

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