Living in the Dark

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Lostariel's POV

I was losing a lot of blood from the dagger that stabbed me in the back but the pain in my heart was more painful. It hurt like a thousand daggers poking my heart and letting it suffer for the rest of my life. Tears were streaming down my face, I couldn't exactly tell how I was doing because I was riding on the tail of one of my fellow rider's dragon. Holding on for my dear life.

Once I got home I was taken to my father who healed me and instead of a nasty wound, it became black spot like it has been burnt meaning I was injured in battle. "My daughter I have a request" my father said in his scary voice, that of course didn't scare me but the Orcs behind me jumped back. "What is your request father?" I asked as I laced my dress back up. "The battle of Middle Earth is coming and I want you to lead my men and wear my mask" he said, I looked up in shock. Father never let me wore his metal mask indicating everyone around him that he was the boss. "I would be honored" I said,

A few days have passed, my father rode to Gondor and some other places but as he came back, I knew it would be time for my biggest task. A task that people would be depending on me, to retrieve the ring and bring it back to it's rightful owner. but-- Legolas, I could've killed him if it wasn't for that blasted dagger that stabbed me, but at the same time I was happy that I didn't. My heart jumped with joy by the thought of Legolas still breathing, his heart still beating.

But as I was thinking and day dreaming about the enemy, I heard my father's piercing scream indicating that it was time. I don't know if it was a time I would prove myself to my father or a time I will give in to the feeling of loving the elven prince. Either way I would feel guilty for the other choice that I didn't make. I put on my hood then put on my father's helmet / crown. and hissed "I will win this" My father's face of darkness just faced me and he said "I am proud of you daughter" I smiled even though he couldn't see my face anymore and said "I won't let you down" Soon I mounted my dragon, Redrid and was off to the battle of middle earth to finish what Saruman couldn't achieve and just by thinking of Saruman made my heart sad;

He was gone, Dead. Orcs have told me that it was Grima who killed Saruman and Legolas was the on who killed Grima. Grima was just like me, we were both good friends and every time I had to think of Legolas killing Grima, it made my blood boil. I remember Saruman's last words.


"I don't know if I could do this Saruman" I told him as I lounged on his throne. "Princess, you can do anything. You are the bride to be to Sauron and the future Queen of Middle Earth" he said as he just stared out the window. Right now his army just went to battle at Helms deep. A part of me wanted to go there and watch but I know that it's not right.

"I mean what if I get killed or cannot end the race of men" I said, Saruman chuckled and said "Your father is ending the race of men in Gondor as we speak, my Orcs is on the way to end the race of men in helms deep. Your mission is to get the ring." "Why can't I go now?" I asked as I stood up from his throne. "Patience Princess, the little halfling is not even close to mount doom. So no need to worry" he said calmly.

I sighed and said "I guess you're right. There is no need to worry, I'll just go home and get some rest" as I was walking towards the exit. "Princess" Saruman called out, I stopped and turned around to face him. He looked at me with a warm smile, a smile I haven't seen in ages. "We'll be a family again once we reunite with Sauron but it won't be the same without your mother" I smiled and said "Thank you Saruman, you take care!"

End of flashback

That was the last time I ever talked to Saruman, after I left I have heard the Ents were attacking Isengard I sent as many Orcs as I can, I couldn't risk my fellow riders / Nazguls because we were in need of a different situation. As soon as once Orc reported back to me with the news of Saurman and Grima's death, I just broke down and cried.

*Snaps back to reality* but that doesn't matter anymore. I have to finish what has been started, I must find the ring and take it, then I hunt down the elven prince and kill him. Simple! I tried lying to myself. I flew away with my fellow Nazguls determined to win this battle and conquer the war. Even if it means that I have to live in the darkness of regret for the rest of my life.

Suddenly the battle of middle earth in Gondor was in my view. "Kill anyone in your path!" I hissed to my fellow Nazguls, then everyone of us let out a piercing scream. We suddenly killed anyone in our path trying to wipe out every single being on the ground that doesn't serve Sauron. I could hear people's shouts and scream's. I can hear their last breath and their prayers when I would grab them with my dragon and send them to death. It broke my heart and I had no idea why I felt like this, before it was no problem but now it meant something. Something I could not explain, something that grew, something new.

"Take down the king! Princess" one of my Nazguls hissed at me, I looked down and saw King Theoden of Rohan. I then brought my dragon down and landed right in front of him. I could see the fear in his eyes, then in a blink of an eye my dragon striked and chewed on the king and whirled him around as if he was just a ragged doll. Then unexpectedly a warrior came in front of me right as I hissed "Feast on his flesh!!" "I will kill you if you touch him!" the warrior said to me. Brave little warrior! Still I could hear the fear in his voice. "Do not come between a Nazgul and his prey" I hissed, I just had no time for this silly warrior. Pathetic Humans.

When all of a sudden as my dragon striked to eat her, she moved aside and beheaded my dragon. "Redrid!!!" I screamed, I could feel the tears surfacing my eyes. But no! I had lost too many who are precious to me. I shall avenge every single one of them. Starting with Redrid! I could feel my blood boil and steam coming out of my ears.

I then stood up with my sword in my left hand and my flail in my right. I could see that he was scared since his blue eyes widen with horror. I screamed and striked her but I missed. I whirled my flail around like a toy but missed her again and as I striked one more, I missed. I growled to myself as I whirled my flail again and missed her. I then screamed at her. letting her know that I am frustrated that I'll give her a very tragic death. I then striked again but it only hit her sword, but as I whirled my flail around again, I whirled it one more time and hit her, making her small sheild shatter into pieces.

I looked down upon the small warrior, but before I could strike her I heard a voice I didn't want to face yet, A voice that belong to someone who I loved.

"Tariel! You don't have to do this"

Legolas shouted.

In Dark Hands. [Legolas FanFic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ