3: Awkward ride

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The drive to his pack house was beyond awkward. It didn’t help that I refused to shift and run with him. 

The short drive was spent in silence, giving me plenty of opportunity to look around and find a way out of here. Or so I thought.

About a mile away from the ‘supposed’ turn off I could see the lining of small cameras placed in the trees, once you got to the main turn off there was an actual guard posted up, manning the steel gate.

From there it was about five miles until you came upon a large brick house. The red bricks faded by sun and weather but seemed to give off an inviting feel to it. Warm and cozy even….if you weren’t there as a prisoner.

Which at the moment, I felt very much like one.

The large SUV that we rode in was seated like a square. I had Alpha Daniels to my right, near the door, and his beta Devin on my left, near the window. In front of me were the three men that blocked my exit back at the pub.

I had no way of skipping out with them all eyeing my every movement.

During the beginning of the drive I had shifted in my seat, they were warm and cushiony, and practically begging for me to sink further in and take a nap, so naturally I tried.

Bad idea.

As soon as I nestled in, I had three pairs of hands gripping my arms, pulling me up and searching the seats.

“I was just getting comfortable, you assholes! You really think I would do something to the car while I’m in it?”

Glaring at the three men while doing my best to push all three off. I was able to get two off without trouble when I felt a pair of arms go around my waist.

“Touch her again, and I will kill you.”

Though said completely calm the Alphas’ words help promise and rage.

What was with him? I may not have known pack life but I’d heard enough to know that you don’t fuck with a pack, especially with the Alpha right there, and get away with it. My little stunt at the pub, alone, should have been enough to ensure my immediate death.

Yet here he was, again, sticking up for me. It was weird.

Yet not as weird as having to sit in his lap for the remainder of the drive. I did my best to not move, I could feel his arousal poking into the curve of my ass. As if sensing my discomfort he lifted me and shifted himself without the others noticing.

Once I was back in my pervious spot in his lap, he looked at me with a small smile playing at his lips while his eyes burned into mine. Lust was the only emotion flickering in them and in that moment it hit me.

He just wanted me for sex.

Rage filled me at the thought. I was just a play thing to him, something he could dominate and use and when he was done, who knows, what he would allow to happen to me. I was after all disposable, a rogue that no one would care to ask questions about.

Thankfully we pulled into the mile long stretch just as visions of ripping his throat out came to mind. Looking everywhere but at him, I took in all my surroundings.

Once the car was parked the three men were the first to get out, followed by Devin. Just as I was about to get up, Alpha Daniels pulled me back.

“I’ll be watching, but if anyone harms or is not respectful to you, you are to tell me at once. Understand?”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

Yea…sure thing dick. I’ll be sure to tell you if anyone messes with your momentary piece of ass. I thought to myself. Thankfully my reply was less pointed.

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