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Btw shout out for kookie_97maknae and kpop_plus21 for voting ^^
Chanha's POV

It sucks being the mean one. But to save everything. I gotta do this.

It was my and Jihoon's engagment party, and our plan will start here. Good thing Seonyeon's mom doesn't know I'm her bff.

"Hey, cutiepie, come here" I said to Jihoon. He went to me with an annoyed face.
Even though this is all just an act, it bothers the living potatoes out of me.
Seonyeon's Mom's POV

Everything is going well
Jihoon's dad agreed to him being arranged marriged.
Now, it,will be hard for them to be happy

*one year later*
Chanha's POV

Okay so today me and Jihoon are planning to end all of the crap now.
Finally, I can be with my Soonyoung.
We called Seonyeon and told her the plan,

We had everything to bring down her mom.
If you didn't know, it was just a fake marriged.

Seonyeon went to me and Jihoon's house secretly.
And no, I don't sleep with Jihoon. He sleeps on the couch, lol mean of me.
I don't wanna frickle frackle with him.

Seonyeon's POV

I went to Chanha's and Jihoon's house.
Then went in.

Chanha and Jihoon went downstairs and sat on the couch.
"I have a strong evidence against mom" I took out my phone and played a video,
The video was from my go pro. I just transfered it in my phone.

Author's POV

"Oh, dear. This is Ravi(VIXX's Ravi), he's better than that Jihoon" Mrs.kwon said while showing Seonyeon a guy she never saw.
"Omma I don't even know him" Seonyeon replied.
"No! The both of you will get married. The wedding is next month" her mom left her alone bringing Ravi with her.

Then Seonyeon took the fake marriged contract of Chanha and Jihoon and showed it to the camera.
"My mom forced my boyfriend and best friend into a marrige so I can't be with him. She wants me to marry
Rich people so she can get money from me. She also brought home a guy 3 days after my dad died, it turned out to be his best friend. But that was just a lie, the truth is mom was already dating him even before dad died. She was the reason on why dad died" seonyeon showed a picture of the plan of their dad's death.

*end of video*
Seonyeon's POV

We recived a call,it was an unknown number
(Bold-Seonyeon normal-someone😉)

Seonyeon!!! Help me!!! Mom's people are having me hostage and- OUCH!!!

Soonyoung oppa? Where are you?

Seonyeon I- okay enough talking twat.

What? Who are you?

If you want to see you brother alive come here at xxxxx-xxx-xxxx

I ended the call and went there, Jihoon and Chanha following along
We got to the address and it was a abandoned building we went inside and in one room I saw Hoshi oppa tied on a chair.

"Opp-" chanha was cutted of when someone grabed her hand and tied it doing the same to Jihoon.
"Jagi, go to soonyeong hyung, he needs you more than us." Jihoon oppa said.

I ran to hoshi oppa and hugged him
"Well look who decided to show up"
I looked at my back and saw it was.......
Almost at the end, enjoy^^

-Kwon SooJin

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