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Summer went by in a flash. I felt like I was uploading videos as fast as I could make them. I ended up getting another one hundred subscribers. I'm almost to ten thousand.

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing on my night stand. I had to wake up at six to catch the bus. I got up and grabbed my towel off of my desk chair. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I had fifteen minutes to get ready, and ten to eat. Then the bus should arrive. I did my makeup and combed through my hair, leaving it damp.

I put on red leggings and a black band t - shirt. I put on low cut socks and black and white converse shoes. The outfit wouldn't be complete with out my blue and white headphones. It should be simple enough to help me blend in...

I quietly moved down the stairs trying not to interrupt my parents sleep. I had ten minutes to eat. I looked in the pantry and grabbed a pop tart. I grabbed my backpack and walked out to the front steps and sat down.

I slowly picked away the pastry eating it slowly. The bus came early. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over one shoulder. I was one of the first people on the bus, so I was able to sit in the back by the other high school kids. Sure, I may not want to be noticed by them, but I have standards. I put my feet up on the seat and leaned my head against the window.

The bus was full and there where still more houses to go. We stopped at a house and a guy with really bad emo hair and a baggy sweat shirt. He stopped by my seat. "Is it okay if I sit here?" I didn't say anything as I moved my feet and bag.

He sat down next to me. "Hi, I'm Ty."

"Hi Ty, I'm the person that doesn't really care, but needs friends... My name is (y/n)."

"Wait, (Y/n), like (youtube name) (Y/n)?"

"The one and only." I smiled.

"I'm Ty from the channel Deadlox! We should totally do a collab video!"

"We will see. I think we are going to need to be better friends first." The bus arrived at the school. It was seven thirty in the morning. There was a lot of people there hanging with their clique. It was like a scene from mean girls. The popular people, the sexually active band kids; have you ever met a band kid? They're the most anti social people you will ever meet.

"C'mon I'll introduce you to my friends." We walked over to a table. There were two people sitting there. "This is Mitch and this Jordan." Mitch was wearing a red and black checkered sweat shirt and a white t shirt. Jordan was wearing a plain shirt and black and red headphones.

"Nice head phones." I said to Jordan.

"Same to you." He said doing a head nod.

"This is (Y/N). She just moved here from Louisiana." Ty said.

"Did you get that from one of my videos?" I asked as I took a seat at the table.

"Yep. Alright guys, you have your schedules?" We laid them down on the table. Every class I had at least on of the guys were there. A couple of classes we had all together.  Those are going to be fun. The first bell rang. Mitch and I had gym together. 

"What's gym like here ?" I asked.

"We don't do much. We just walk laps and then on Wednesday we run the pacer test. They might change it up though."

"This is going to be great..." 

a/n; I know that Ty, Mitch, and Jordan aren't from Washington, but I didn't want to use people from sky media quite yet because I have a great plan. Please vote and Comment letting me know you like the story. I see people reading it, but I cant read minds... byee.

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