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"Honey, wake up... The plane landed." I opened up my eyes. My mom was looking at me to wake up.

"Alright." I stood up slowly and tried not to hit my head on the overhead compartment. "How long of a drive until we get to he house?" I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"About two hours." We walked off the plane, went through customs, and got a rental car. On the way there I sent Max a text. I just got off the plane. You're so far away...

He replied right away. I know, it's more than half a country away.

An/ it's going to be in text form for a little bit...

Me: What are you going to do without me?

Max: I don't know...

Me: Can I ask you a question?

Max: Shoot.

Me: What was the kiss about?

Max: I didn't want you to leave with me still having regrets.

Me: oh. Well did you regret doing it?

Max: No.

I blushed and covered my face with my sleeves. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

I wanted to respond, 'neither do I' but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It's too late to do anything with Max. I lost him. I left and am never going to be able to go back and see him.

We arrived at the house. It was huge compared to our last one. It was three stories high, and wide. The house was right outside the city of Redmon, but was part of Bellevue. "Go inside." Mom said, ushering me. "You can have first pick of the rooms. Third floor."

I ran inside. The first thing I saw was a high ceiling with a chandelier. I ran up to the third floor. The first room I went into as its own bathroom, including a shower, and a walk in closet. The area for the actual bedroom was big as well. It was the size of our living room at home. The walls were white and it was a hard wood floor. The window had a little place where you can sit and look out it.

"Mom!" I yelled from the door frame. "This is the room."

You didn't want the master bedroom?" Mom said looking at the one I chose.

"There is one bigger than this?" I said in disbelief.

"We just want you to be happy here. You left your best friend all the way on the other side of the continent." My dad said. "We just want this to move to be easy on you."

I looked down at the floor. "It would be easier if it wasn't so cold."

"We are both with you on that one." My mom said. "The moving truck is downstairs. You should go get your boxes."

"Alright, I can do that." I walked past them and down the two flights of stairs. Both of my parents have gotten jobs where they are earning almost two thousand dollars a week, but I'm not sure what they even do.

I grabbed the first box and it was full of my clothes. I asked the moving guys if they could help with the boxes and they said yeah. About four hours later everything was moved into the house. It took a while to get the bed stuff, dressers, and desks to the correct rooms, but we did it.

I took each box up to my room one by one. When all of where there I arranged my room in the way I wanted it. I put my bed on the far side away from the window. I put my dresser down by the closet. I moved my desk to the middle of the room and then pushed it against the wall. I unpacked my clothes and shoved them into random drawers in the dresser. All my hang up clothes where just thrown onto the floor in the closet.

I sat down at my desk and turned on my video camera. "Hello Friends." I said into the camera. "So I just moved in to my styling new crib and I thought that right now would be a great time to tell a story.

"This past week I told my best friend Max that I was moving out of Louisiana, and he was not okay unless we spent time together. When he asked a girl on a date, he got rejected and me being bad at reading social situations and decided that that was the perfect time to tell him I was moving.

"He was really mad that I didn't tell him earlier. We ended up making a pillow fort in his room. It was HUGE. We put pillows all on the floor and a sheet going across the entire room. We where so proud." I told them everything that happened up to my departure. I didn't say anything about the kiss with Max. "So yeah, that's been my week, and that's all for this week. I upload Minecraft videos Wednesday and Fridays and Mondays I do a vlog type video. If you're new to this channel subsucribe, and if you like this video let me know by hitting that like button, and leaving comments down below. Byee!" I did a wave to the camera before shutting it off. I already want to leave and go back to Louisiana...

I Lost You, You Found Me (Mithzan Max x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now