Like Tears In Rain, You'll Have My Sympathy

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"Malfoy's looking at you Harry." I look over at Ginny, who is sitting in front of me. She nods towards I believe is where they are, but I don't turn around. Instead I focus on my food and shrug it off telling her she's seeing things.

I don't have time for this.


I don't know when the dreams begin. I just remember waking up, my bed and boxers wet with my come. Images flash over my mind of pale blonde hair and rosy pink lips.

It doesn't take me a second to realize who it was.

Fucking hell, I'm having wet dreams of Malfoy now.


One day it just all breaks. I'm tired of seeing Malfoy look at me, push me against walls and leaving me hard. I'm tired of seeing his smug looks as he watches me enter classes late because I was too busy wanking in the loo because I had a raging hard on all because of him. I hate that Zabini smirks when he see's me, a knowing glint on his face and the way Ginny teases me about it.

And I'm fucking tired of seeing Malfoy and Zabini flirt with each other just to get my attention.

It happens in the Quidditch pitch. Everyone is outside because it's a Slytherin vs Gryiffindor game and those are always entertaining to watch. Ron is chatting about techniques to use on the field for last minute. I'm already on my broom, doing a few laps to calm down my nerves. It doesn't matter how many times I play, my stomach always ends up doing flips and turning into knots. Today is worse because I'm playing against Slytherin and that means playing against Malfoy.

The game starts and we're winning with 50 points ahead of Slytherin. I don't let Malfoy distract me from catching the snitch, I can't afford that. And for some bloody reason, his hair and the way his body leans on the broom just distract me from even looking for the snitch.

"Harry! What the bloody hell is up with you today? Look for the snitch, is something up?" Ginny yells at me, making me look away from where I was staring at Malfoy, "Sorry, sorry! I'm fine!"

To prove this I catch sight of the snitch the same time Malfoy does. We both race to catch it before the other does. Flipping and twisting in the air, narrowing and barely missing bludgers that get thrown to us. And this is where it just gets to me that I'm angry with this whole thing.

The snitch is so close, and Malfoy turns to look at me. His pale arm outstretched to catch the snitch and then he smiles at me.

He fucking smiles at me.

It's this huge, warm smile and something inside my chest twist and no. No it can't be! And in that moment it dawns on me.

I'm in love with Draco.

And because I'm so distracted because of this new realization I miss the snitch only to have bloody Malfoy catch it. "It's so easy to get you worked up Potter."

I see red, I'm seething in the inside because I have fallen for that stupid wanker and he's only just playing around with me.

I fly down and throw my broomstick, I ignore Ron calling my name, I forget about hearing Ginny and Hermione coming after me. I ignore the calls of my name and I break into a run.

I'm so tired, this isn't fair. I run into the Forbidden Forest and only look back once when I hear Malfoy's voice calling me by my first name.


That makes me even angrier and I run even further into the forest before I go back there and break his face. He doesn't have the right to call me by my given name, not while he's been missing around my feelings. Not when he's flirting and kissing Zabini in front of me.

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