CHAPTER 36: A Night at the Fujioka Mansion

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"Domo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. (It's nice to meet all of you.) Thank you for taking care of our Ojou-sama." Licht said politely with a slight bowing of his head.

"Nice to meet you too. We'll be in your care." Fuji said.

"It's Ryouko-chan that is always taking care of our members... On the contrary, we don't do much for her." Oishi said as he bowed back.

"Waa... Pika pika da... (It's all sparkly...)" Kawamura commented as he looked at the interior of the bus.

"This bus looks brand-new." Fuji said as he sat.

"It is brand-new. I got Licht to buy it this afternoon." Ryouko said matter-of-factly.

"Eh?" Everyone chorused.

"I'm thinking of donating this bus for club use. This will be our transport for the inter-school tennis camp." Ryouko said, specifically to Tezuka. "Dame ka na, buchou? (Is that not alright, Captain?)

"It will be a large help to the club, but isn't it a bit too expensive? Did you use your own money to buy it?" Tezuka asked.

"Yes, I did use my own money, but I've got no use for it anyways. I already have my own car." Ryouko said.

"Y—your own car?" Momoshiro said, shocked.

"Hai. But of course I won't be able to drive it myself until I get my driver's license." Ryouko answered.

"She's really a rich kid, ain't she?" Inui said.

The others nodded in response.

"If you insist, then I'll talk to Ryuzaki-sensei about it." Tezuka said.

They were about to drive off when all of a sudden, two figures with luggage waved their hands to get their attention.

"Wait!" Miyako and Mami shouted.

"Kurihara and Ayase?" Horio said in surprise.

"We're coming too!" Mami said as she went inside the bus.

"Why're you guys here?" Ryouko asked.

"Actually, we want to help." Miyako said.

"And I need tutoring, Ryouko-chan. I only got 80%. There's no way I'm going to take suppementary lessons." Mami said as she heaved her luggage inside.

"Isn't that a bit too big for a two-night stay? Are you planning on living with me?" Ryouko asked with a meaningful look at their huge bags.

"Girls have a lot more to pack than boys." Mami said with a wink.

Before Licht can start the engine again, two more girls arrived.

"STOP!" Came the voice of Osakada Tomoka.

"Chotto, Tomo-chan... Don't run so fast." Sakuno said as she got dragged by her friend towards the door of the bus.

"So many uninvited guests are arriving..." Horio said with a sigh.

"I heard that, you stupid Horio!" Tomoka yelled.

"Why are you guys coming? Did your grades also didn't make the cut?" Horio asked.

"Urusai ne. (Shut up.) We're helpers of the tennis club and because this concerns the club and Ryuzaki-sensei won't be coming, we'll be her replacement." Tomoka said matter-of-factly. Deep inside, she thought, "There's no way in hell that I'm not coming when Ryoma-sama is spending the night in a girl's house."

"I bet you five thousand yen that her grades didn't make the cut." Horio said.

"I bet ten." Ritsu replied.

Tennis no Ojou-sama: A Prince of Tennis Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz