Derek is the first to somewhat stand in the back of the van and open the back doors since Braeden never did it. The sound of bones clanking together has me spinning on the bench, just in time to see a Beserker throw him out of the van.

"Derek!" I scramble to jump out of the van, quickly drawing an arrow to shoot at the back of the Beserker. The arrow hits the bone that protects the Beserker. Switching weapons, I grab the gun that I've learned to always keep on me because Parrish and my dad give me hell for not having one. 

Braeden appears by my side with a shotgun in hand. We shoot at the Beserker to stop it from attacking Derek. Stiles and Liam shrink back in the van. Braeden continues to shoot the Beserker and manages to make it move away from Derek. 

I rush to Derek's aid as he slides down to the ground, gasping in pain. "Derek?" I fall to my knees beside him unable to tear my gaze away from the multiple stab wounds in his chest. "You're okay, you're okay." 

Braeden crouches down beside me, examining his wounds. She glimpses at me and both of us know that this is not a good situation. There's blood on his lips, too. 

"How bad is it?" Peter asks from behind us. 

Derek arches his back in pain. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just get to Scott." 


"Just find him." Derek cuts me off. "We'll be right behind you. Go." He lifts his hand up weakly to point from Stiles to me. "Go, Clara!"

"No, the deadpool-" I think back to when Derek's name was a password to break the code. Banshees predict death and Lydia predicted his name. I can't lose him. 

Derek weakly grabs my hand in his on the sand. "I can feel myself healing." He lies straight through his teeth. 

"You're so full of shit." I start to silently cry. "Derek, I know we agreed to move on, but that doesn't mean I still don't care about you. You're not allowed to die." 

"And I won't." Derek gazes back into my eyes. "I'll still be here when you come out with Scott and Kira. I promise." 

My heart breaks as Stiles and Liam urge me to stand up and start to pull me away. Lydia predicted Derek's death. She predicted it. I know we agreed to move on from each other, but that doesn't mean I want him to die. 

"Braeden, keep him safe." I tell her. I shake my friend's off of me and reach around to bring my bow in both hands. "Okay, listen. We're going to find Scott and Kira and then we're getting Derek to the hospital. Got it?" 

As an Argent, we are taught how to keep our emotions in check not allowing them to mess with our thinking when it's most important. I roll my shoulders back and take a deep breath. I need to make my sister proud right now. I can save everyone. I've done it before and I can do it again.

Unfortunately, Peter leads the way through the church and takes us down a random tunnel. He abruptly stops in the middle of the tunnel. "Okay, everyone stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop!" He commands all of us. "We gotta figure out where we are then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

An annoying beeping noise goes off from Stiles' pocket. He gives off a look of disbelief and struggles to get his phone out of his pocket. "How do I even have service?"

"Stiles." I glower. Now is not the time to take phone calls. Too many lives are on the line. 

"Hi, dad." Stiles answers his phone, immediately grimacing. He wanders a little ways down the tunnel. "Okay, dad, I know you're angry." 

My tongue pokes against the inside of my cheek. I walk over to Stiles, plucking the phone right out of his hand. "Hi, Mr. Stilinski. I know you're angry at Stiles for leaving when you told him not to, but you can ground him all you want when we get back."

"Ground him? Ground him? I'm going to hobble him. Now, please tell me he's alright. Tell me that all of you are safe." 

I press my lips together. "Would you like me to lie?" 

"Oh, god. Okay, tell me what I can do. How can I help?"

"I sent Parrish and Mason to the school to look for Lydia and, now, none of them are answering their phones. Please go find them." I hand the phone back to Stiles. 

 Liam holds his arms out. "What do we do now?" 

Malia forces Liam to duck down by the back of his neck. "Duck!" 

Without thinking, I grab Stiles' arm and make both of us duck. A Beserker appears out of nowhere. 

"Get back! Go!" Peter repeatedly shouts for us to run in the opposite direction. "Go, go, go!"

All of us race through the tunnel to escape the Beserker behind us. I glance over my shoulder once to make sure Malia is in the very back. Stiles is only human. Peter leads us into a bigger room with pillars that are barely standing. This whole place is rundown. 

Malia tosses the katana to Stiles. "Go find Kira and Scott!" She points at Stiles for me to follow him. "Go!" 

I urge Stiles to run in a new direction while they stay back to fight the Beserker. Peter disappeared somewhere and I don't want him to find them first. "Come on!" 


Okay. Last update for the night. It's nearly four in the morning. I should really get some sleep. 

Clarek may be over, but I do keep giving you guys moments between them. Derek is on the verge of dying. Of course Clara would be upset about leaving him. 

The story is almost over. I can't believe it. 

Question: How do you think the next chapter will go?

So, yeah!

Becoming The Shadows (Shadow Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now