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This story is for my friends and family. I love you guys! Thank you for reading, I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think!

I slammed my door shut, screaming internally as tears streamed down my face. I felt my phone buzz in my hand, so I lifted it, seeing a message on the screen. I blinked away tears and read it. It's from Cayley, my ex-best friend and the captain of the cheer squad. "Puny little girl."
That's all I needed before I cracked. I threw my phone at the wall as hard as I could and it broke with a satisfying shatter. Fury flushed out of me until all that was left were tears. I flopped on my bed, water leaking down my cheeks. You know that feeling when you want to be left alone because you're sad, but in a way you want someone to come in and comfort you? That's how I felt.
Me, Emerald, I thought, Just a puny little sixteen year old girl. Bullied. Teased. Cuts. Skips.
I shut my eyes, counting my flaws in my head. To me, counting my flaws is like counting sheep. It helps me fall asleep. But something about me is still wide awake.
I decide to count other people's flaws instead. But who's? Cayley's, of course.
One, she's mean. Two, she's arrogant. Three, she thinks she's perfect. Four, she's a popular. Five, she's evil. Six, she flunks all of her classes, yet she still thinks she's amazing. Seven, I hate her with every cell inside of my body. Eight, she thinks she's smart when everyone knows that isn't true. I go on until my mind becomes dark and I know that the next thing I'll see will be the sun's morning light.

* * *

I groan as my annoying alarm goes off and alerts me to a new day of emotional and mental damage. I crack my eyes open and the morning light that leaks through my curtains blinds me. I shield my eyes and mindlessly do my morning routine— eating my breakfast, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, collecting my notes and homework for class and shoving them into the correct binders, shoving those binders into my backpack, etc.
I swing my backpack over my shoulders and then I realize that I'm still in my pajamas. I sigh and throw on a loose gray tee shirt, skinny jeans, and black high-top converse. It's cold in the science lab, so I grab a jacket and tie it around my waist. I jog down the stairs and say goodbye to my mom who plants a kiss on my cheek. I run outside and board the bus, who will take me to my definite doom. . . School.
I run to the bus stop and board the bus with a sigh.

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