Chapter 5 The Unexpected

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Chapter 5 The Unexpected

They finally reached the door and were thrown into the very heart of the night. There was no wind and the night had a devilish aura to it. Sherlock kept walking feeling a blunt weight against his heart. It still had the spark of thrill and excitement but for some reason in the deepest depth of his heart, he felt remorse a feeling of shame for what he’d done. A feeling he’d never felt before. He tried to wipe away the feeling but it stained his thoughts like a nasty smudge on a clean coat.

John lagged behind seeming to be in a moping mood, cut away from the world. His heart had fallen and felt like a cold stone thumping against his chest. WHAT had he done...ruined everything. Why did I return so soon? Why...why….why... Sherlock’s long strides pulled him many yards from where John stood. Finally he was forced to grab John’s hand and go into a gallop across the streets of London. But finally the feeling of exhilaration overtook them, their minds were removed of all thoughts of foreign feelings,Mary, and second thoughts.

The Darkness swallowed them and they became the night.

After a long while of walking which was incredibly strenuous for Sherlock who had just been fatally wounded just mere days ago. He was exhausted. Just when they were at their wit’s end they stopped so suddenly that John ran into the back of Sherlock’s fluffy bathrobe. He touched his fingers to his lips to indicate to stay silent. They were in a cold dirty alley identical to the others they had passed. They were way past of the edge of the town. Wrappers and cigarettes littered the ground and you couldn’t see the end because to was completely blacked out.

“May I ask what we are doing?” whispered John, his small voice echoed against the dampened walls.

“The locket remember, I hid it,” Sherlock breathed. Sherlock cautiously passed along the edge of the dark alley and came to a nondescript ledge. On it was a stained shoe with frayed laces and a grimy mirror that was cracked. Sherlock reached into the shoe and was reaching his fingers into any nook and cranny. He pulled out his hand. There was nothing there. A jolt of shock swept over both of them. Somebody had stolen the locket.

They had no time to recover. A ear-splitting roar spliced through the crisp air and their were thundering crashes which were supposed to be footsteps came increasingly closer. The noise grew louder and louder ringing in their ears. It was the giant man. Sherlock broke out into a sprint and disappeared instantly around the corner. John in a delayed reaction charged after him blood pumping through his veins. It was too late he had entirely vanished from the location. John had a split second to think. He racked his brain for a plan. There wasn’t any...he was alone. The noise became deafening and he could feel the whole alley vibrate and a sickening rotting odor permeated the air. He turned around to face a huge grotesque form covered in deep bloody gashes and scraps of grimy fabric that just covered his body. It let out a gruesome cry and hurtled at amazing speed toward John. John squeezed his eyes shut and began to run. His mind screaming Don’t die! Don’t Die!!! He knew he wouldn’t make it. He was unarmed and helpless. The man was so close now he could smell the stench that burned his nostrils. Don’t die! Don’t die! Don’t DIE! DON’T DIE!

A piercing shot penetrated through the roar of the man. John tripped and fell at the shock of the sound. Right before he fell, John saw through the slits of his eyes. The looming figure bellowed a cry of agony and toppled to the ground with blood spurted from his already scratched up leg. The impact of the fall made the ground shake.

His whole body seemed to shut down all his senses and it was hard to tell if he was dead or alive. A large foot kicked him in the stomach. Yep still alive.. John groaned and opened his eyes. He could barely see since he was feeling a bit delirious and his vision was murky and extremely bleary. Through the fog he could just see a shapeless thing that looked like a person holding a unmistakable form of a gun. He desperately hoped it wasn't an enemy. Well, of course it had to be the person who had just saved him. Finally he groaned and reached warily up for help. He received another kick to the shoulder. You’d think this person would be a more respectful chap he thought to himself. He then called the person he most long for at the moment “Sherlock…” he rasped, his voice breaking.

“Saved your life, should thank me,” said a deathly familiar voice that was definitely not Sherlock’s. John’s blood turned to ice and his stomach dropped to the bottom. Chills ran up his spine that were NOT from the cold wind. It was the voice of none other than Mary Morstan. His vision cleared up a bit and he could make out her pale face, her graceful features appearing ghostly in the shadows. She pulled him up not exactly gently and John’s stomach churned and his face turned a frightful shade of green.

“How-wha-WHY?” he spluttered he had no choice but to stare into her glassy eyes that were puffy and still considerably red.

“Mycroft immediately wanted to follow you but I shook him off and I told I would spy for him. Oh, and Abigail is with Mrs. Hudson. You see, I knew you would get yourself into a spot of trouble,” she spoke quickly her voice stuffy. John smiled slyly. She slapped him.

“Oh don’t give me that! Don’t think I’ll let you off easy!”

John gulped nervously. He didn’t want an angry wife to kill him.

“Please, forgive me, Mary. I didn’t know how much you cared about me always leaving you. Sherlock and I...w-we’re just friends and...I never meant him distract me from you,” he muttered. Mary gazed at him incomprehensibly for a long while. John held his breath ready for another blow to the face. She rounded on him and stepped a foot closer to him and grabbed him by the shoulder. John flinched and took a step back. Then right then and there she leaned forward and kissed him. Her cool lips touched him so unexpectedly he nearly jumped and his face flushed scarlet. But then he settled down and all his worries washed away and was replaced with pleasant relief. Everything would be fine. Mary poured out all her fears and sorrow into that one kiss while John his simple endearing love. Hot tears rolled along her cheek but not from despair but from just pure happiness and her trembling body calmed to the touch of John’s warmth. They finally pulled away, holding hands entranced with each other.

“I’m sorry too,” She said and smiled widely. She felt as if she could fly to the top of the sky. John could barely speak.

“For the way I selfishly acted,” She murmured and then pressed her lips together. But there was nothing left to say. They understood each other now and nothing could come between. And so Mary supported John as they stumbled out of the dark alley way and made their way back to 221B.

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