Chapter 3 Caught in the Action

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Chapter 3 Caught in the Action

Sherlock woke to a feeling of someone tugging hard on his hair. He pulled up and was greeted by drool and dimples. “Stupid,” he grumbled and he lifted the chubby baby off of his chest and into a high chair. He wiped off the wet slobber that was spotted across his suit.

“Pity it was a new suit,” he stripped off the jacket and collared shirt. While he dressed he observed Abigail’s behavior. She was staring intently outside and was concentrating on the rain drops cascading down the window.

It was then Sherlock realized he had no clean clothes. They were all soiled with chemicals and dirt and all the other things he loved dearly. So he grabbed a white sheet and wrapped it around as a makeshift top. An idea popped into his head and he went on to scoop Abigail up into the crook of his arm once again. She squealed delightedly as her thin hair flew back while Sherlock dashed down the stairs and burst through the door. Icy air whipped around them and crept through the holes in his sheet. The rain was just slowing down and you could only feel a tiny spray of water. He then lifted Abigail above his head with only his good arm. She squeaked and threw her head back adventurously trying to catch the last bits of rain in her mouth.

“SHERLOCK!” a unmistakable voice cried out of the wind. Sherlock jumped and turned to see Mycroft,John,Mary, and Mrs. Hudson all standing there as if appeared out of thin air. Quite embarrassed Sherlock hastily lowered Abigail and placed her in his sling where she fit perfectly.

“What the ‘ell are you doing?!” said John furiously his jacket flapping in the wind, it was quiet and nobody spoke, “I called you to check up on you and you didn’t reply!” Sherlock was silent then started to laugh. The lump in his sling shook. He couldn’t seem to stop and when he finally did he could only seem to have a mischievous smirk plastered across face.

“You know I always text,” he replied.

“What are you wearing, young man?” said Mrs. Hudson quite disgusted. Sherlock looked down at the white sheet and only smiled smugly and pretended it was only the latest fashion.

“Well,well...pleased to meet you Mrs.Morstan,” he said in a polite tone to Mary. She glanced warily backed at Sherlock and nodded curtly.

“Shall we all have tea?,” he said grandly and motioned toward the door with his good arm.

“ make tea..for all of us?” scoffed John.

“Of course not..Mrs. Hud-,” At that moment a gust of wind blew strongly and his sheet flew off leaving his bare chest. Mycroft suppressed a laugh. John noticed Sherlock’s face fall slightly and his ears turn a pinkish tint.

“Dear brother,” Mycroft began. “before you ridicule yourself further, I think we should just go up,” he practically skipped to the door and courteously gestured everyone through the door and up to 221B. Everyone followed Sherlock through the door stiffly.

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