Is the time right?

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They always ask me is there someone you dating and I say NO. Why they say? I tell them there are so many many complications that happen between these dating things.
And I am a person of Me, I don't / won't have time for him and I will alway get dumped just of time that I won't have. Besides all of these reasons the time is not right!!! Then they say what kind of person do you want though? I tell them "someone kind just like my father,someone sweet just like my father.someone who would do anything to show that they love me just like my father."

"I have seen them that are like my father they come to me and make moves but sadly I'm quit hard to get." I usually tell them that they have to be patient they have to wait for me.Thats how I see that's he is the one for me. And busy thinking about a boy while your in school is just a waste of time.So lady,girls or females be patient don't rush only if your sure and ready to faces the challenges then go a head buuuuuut, don't end up playing with fire at the end you will get burnt.Trust me on what I'm writing.

Life is really a hard challenge.Things are really not that simple

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