He is there

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Sometimes family's are hard to understand.well then don't try and understand them because u will end up going crazy,give them space when times are hard.Please do so! 😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉😌😉👍Matthew 6:14-17

2.read and understand the word of God
Matthew 28:18-20Matthew 6:14-17

And Yes read your bible it has all the answers you need in life especially when time are really hard.But you won't get your mathathics answers there,but God can help you only if you did your part of the job (to study or practice ).At least I have faith in all of this hardness called life if God gave it to me he can help me too.

🙏🙏don't lose faith!!!in GOD🙏🙏🙏

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