Ariel's face turned into an expression of confusion as she asked, "Emma, I saw how he was when you two were together last night – he feels the same way you do about him. Wouldn't the kiss only confirm that? And wouldn't it be a good thing?"

Emma once again sighed – Ariel was right, but there was no way the part mermaid would understand without knowing what Killian had been through.

But it wasn't Emma's place to tell her, so she simply replied, "It's complicated."

Ariel hugged her goddaughter as a response before she stood back up and said, "Well, I should go – I have things to do, and you have to pack. The navy's leaving the day after tomorrow."

Emma nodded before Ariel left the room. Emma knew she should pack, but she kept thinking about Killian. While her head was telling her they both needed space to figure this out, her heart wanted to reach out to him and reassure him. She knew he hadn't gotten this close to anyone since his first love, and it was the same for her with Neal. She didn't know how the rest of his wall would come down.

What she did know is that she would drive herself crazy if she stayed cooped up in the castle, so she decided to go horseback riding. Perhaps it would help her gain some clarity. With that thought in mind, she made her way downstairs.


Killian had his back up against a tree as he stared up at the blue sky. He had decided to delay going back to the ship – at least for a little while. He still didn't know what to do about Emma. As much as he tried to convince himself the kiss didn't mean anything, it was pointless. He now knew he had feelings for her, but he was trying to figure out exactly where his head and heart were. He didn't even know how to act on his feelings – or even if he should. He had gotten so used to being let down by everyone that he simply stopped letting anyone in – especially after Milah. He hadn't felt this way about anyone since her, and he had told himself that he would never fall for anyone again. But the princess that was every bit as beautiful as she was headstrong and stubborn had somehow snuck her way into his heart. As much as he believed that he could trust Emma, the thought of bringing down his wall for her – more than he already had – terrified him. Killian took off his hat and ran one of his hands through his hair as he sighed.

As he got up to head back to the ship, he thought he heard a galloping horse. When he turned around, he saw Emma riding through one of the fields. Clearly, she didn't see him because she never slowed down. Killian surmised that the princess was determined about something, and he couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with him. He knew he had caught her off guard by kissing her so suddenly and so passionately, and he supposed she needed to clear her head as well. Killian stared after her until she disappeared into another section of woods before he began walking back toward the ship.

When Killian returned to the ship and stepped into his quarters, he was a bit startled by his brother sitting at the desk.

"I didn't mean to frighten you, brother, but I'm worried about you," Liam said.

"There's nothing to concern yourself with, Liam. I'm fine," Killian replied.

Unfortunately, his older brother was one of the few people who could read him really well, and he said, "No, you're not, Killian. I know it didn't take you over an hour to deliver that message to the princess, and I couldn't help but notice how you've seemed distracted all day."

"It's nothing," Killian answered.

"Nothing with you usually means something, little brother. I hope you know you can tell me anything," Liam told him.

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