Just You and Me

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The next two weeks after Emma sent her letter passed by slowly. Since Emma was technically on vacation, she didn't have to worry with her duties and responsibilities as a princess – namely learning how to be queen one day. Running a kingdom was quite a lot of work, and that's what was keeping Ariel busy these days. Emma had also grown tired of trying to come up with a plan to get the potion back from Rumplestiltskin. While she knew it wasn't wise to face him on her own, she didn't want to put anyone else in danger. However, she wasn't sure if her magic was strong enough to defeat him – she also was aware that she probably wouldn't be able to outsmart him.

Emma crossed her arms and placed her chin on them as her mind wandered to a certain lieutenant. Killian had been really busy lately – Emma barely saw him. While she understood he did have responsibilities, she had a sneaking suspicion that part of that was Liam's purposeful efforts. She could clearly see that Liam wasn't too keen on her and Killian spending time together.

Although Emma thought the captain was a little too self-righteous, Emma could see why he wanted to protect his younger brother. If Killian had to lie about the fact that he had been in love, he must have had his heart broken. Emma wanted him to open up some more, but for all she knew, those walls of his had slammed back into place. At that point, Emma's mind was made up – as well as the formation of an idea – she was going to spend the day with Killian.


Killian was on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor of the Jewel of the Realm. He had taken off his navy blue uniform jacket and had undone the collar of his white shirt, as well as rolled up his sleeves. This really wasn't his job, but he had been looking for ways to keep busy.

He wasn't avoiding Emma per se, but he was afraid of getting too close. And by telling Emma about his past, he was doing exactly that.

Just as he had finished and stood up, he heard a familiar voice calling his name. He looked to see Emma – clothed in riding clothes with her hair pulled back – walking toward him.

"Good afternoon, Your Highness," Killian said when she stopped in front of him.

"Good afternoon, Lieutenant. Hard at work I see?" Emma replied.

"Well, it does have to be done, Princess," Killian said.

"And I guess since your crew has the day off, it's up to you, isn't it?" Emma said. Killian gave her a confused expression, and she explained, "I saw some of the crew members on my way over here."

Killian looked down at the floor as Emma stepped closer and took one of Killian's hands in hers, prompting him to look back up at her.

"Look, Killian, I understand that you're scared. But you don't have to be – you can trust me," Emma told him.

Killian wanted to believe her, but he was still so scared of being hurt again – Emma could see this and let go of his hand.

"So, Killian, I was thinking..." Emma began.

"Yes, Princess?" Killian asked.

"That we could go riding?" Emma finished.

Killian took a deep breath as he thought about the pros and cons of going with her. After a long moment of what seemed to be the never-ending battle between his head and heart, he agreed. Honestly, it sounded rather relaxing after all the extra work he had been doing lately.

As he reached to grab his jacket, Emma stopped him: "Listen, Lieutenant, you don't have to be in full uniform all the time. How about for today, no uniforms, no titles. Let's just relax and just be Emma and Killian."

A Lieutenant Duckling StoryWhere stories live. Discover now