And Still So Far

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How could I face the faceless days

If I should lose you now?

We're so close

To reaching that famous happy end

And almost believing this one's not pretend

Let's go on dreaming though we know we are

So close, so close...

And still so far

-So Close (from Disney's Enchanted), Jon McLaughlin

Killian sighed against the railing of the ship. He had spent the day preparing the Jewel to leave Seabrooke. Truthfully, he was thankful for something to keep him occupied. However, as soon as he took a break – like he was now – the only thing filling his head was the princess. He thought about how it felt to have her in his arms, and the way her lips felt on his. He tried to convince himself that the kiss – the one he had initiated – didn't mean anything. He had just been caught up in the moment, and that was all. Maybe if he kept telling himself that, he would eventually believe it.

Killian was pulled out of his thoughts when Liam came over to him and told him, "Killian, I need you to go inform Princess Emma that we will be setting sail the day after tomorrow so that she'll be sure to be ready."

Killian knew that was a bad idea – whatever he had been trying to convince himself about that kiss would surely fail as soon as he laid eyes on Emma. However, he hadn't told his overprotective brother what had happened, and he didn't want to have that conversation now, so he simply nodded.

When Killian arrived at the castle, he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved when he was greeted by Ariel.

"Hello, Lieutenant Jones. What can I do for you?"

"Well, Your Majesty, I was hoping you could deliver a message to the princess," Killian replied.

"She's upstairs in her room. You could tell her yourself," Ariel said with a smile.

"The crew is busy preparing the ship to leave, and I'm needed back. We're leaving the day after tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could relay that to Princess Emma," Killian said.

"Of course I will, Lieutenant," Ariel answered. Killian nodded before he bowed and made his exit.

When Ariel made her way upstairs and walked through Emma's open door, she asked, "Did something happen between you and Lieutenant Jones last night?" – completely forgoing Killian's message.

Emma, who thought the question was a little out of the blue, questioned, "Why would you ask?"

"Well, he was just here, and he acted like he really didn't want to see you. Not to mention he was referring to you as 'Princess'," Ariel replied.

Emma sighed from her seat on the bed as she considered Ariel's words. Emma had been unsuccessful when she had gone to the ship earlier to talk to Killian. Part of her thought he had simply been busy, but now her suspicions had been confirmed. Killian was avoiding her because of that kiss. Despite what he had told her about it being a "one-time thing," he felt something. He knew he had real feelings for her, and it scared him.

Emma was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Ariel: "Earth to Emma."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was your question?" Emma answered.

"So, something did happen between you two," Ariel said with a knowing look.

"Well, he kissed me," Emma answered shyly. The princess could practically see Ariel's excitement, so she continued, "And that's why he's avoiding me."

A Lieutenant Duckling StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin