Chapter Trois

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Andy looked around her room and quickly began throwing her comics on her bookshelf and her clothes into her closet, resolving to actually pick them up later. She picked up a Captain America sweatshirt out of the pile in her closet and pulled it over her tank top and slipped on her chucks.

She ran down the stairs and practically right into her mother.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" her mom asked, laughing a little.

Andy nervously laughed along. "Oh, right. Well, um, you know, I finished my room, and I thought I'd go to the park or soemthing, you know? Get some fresh air." She started backing up to the door.

Her mother gave her a questioning look. "Alright, but you better not go over to that Donnelly boy's house."

"Mom, his name is Wyatt, and he's a good kid, trust me," Andy defended. "But, uh, no. I'm not going over there."

With one last look of suspicion, her mom nodded. "Okay, have fun."

Andy smiled and waved as she slipped out of the door. She grabbed her bike and began pedaling towards the park a few blocks away. When she turned off her road, she turned onto the next one to Wyatt's.

Their houses were literally across the street from each other, only his was on the next street over.

She let herself in the front door and went up to Wyatt's room. She heard the shower still running, so she plopped down on his bed. She suddenly wondered where Gary was. He was supposed to be there.

The shower turned off, and she heard someone speak, but she didn't recognize the voice. It was female.

Just as Andy thought to get up, the bathroom door opened and a woman with dark curls, up in a bun, and practically perfect everything, only clad in a towel walked out of the bathroom.

The woman smiled at her kindly. "Oh hello," she chirped in a slightly British accent. "And who might you be?"

"Uh... I- Andy," the girl stammered. "I'm Andy, and, uh, who- WYATT! GARY!"

The boys quickly came out of the bathroom, both shirtless and in soaking wet pants and socks. Gary was even still wearing his shoes. They both stared wide-eyed at Andy who was mirroring them, except more confused.

"Who is she?" Andy whisper yelled.

"Uh... Andy, let us get dressed, and we'll explain everything," Gary replied slowly.

Andy sat outside the bedroom door as the boys got dressed. They spoke through the door and told her how they had created this woman with Wyatt's computer and other crap.

"That's not even realistic," Andy replied. "How much did you pay her? Where did you even find her? Downtown on the side of the street?"

She heard Wyatt warn Gary to not mess up Chet's suit before they opened the door. She didn't pay much attention as she got up, and they began walking towards the stairs.

"Oh my God!" Gary, who was in the back of the procession of three, exclaimed. "Whose stuff is this? Is that yours?"

All three of them looked down at their clothes, but those weren't their clothes. The boys were both wearing nicer, dark suits rather than the ones they had put on, and Andy was now in a blue dress, which was odd in itself, and her hair was done up in curls.

"What the-" Andy started, gaping down at her outfit.

"What is going on here?" Gary freaked out some more.

"I don't know!" Wyatt replied. "You look good, though, okay?" He glanced at Andy. "You look really good."

Andy rolled her eyes. "This is some weird shit."

Heyo! It's me again. Hope you liked this chapter!

~Mariah aka Gary Wallace trash

Hola! 😂❤️😉 -Teddy/Wyatt

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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