Chapter Zwei

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"Yeah, Mom said I gotta clean my room," Andy grumbled. "And we both know that's gonna take like a year, so if you don't see me until next school year, you'll know why."

"Damn, that's too bad," Wyatt replied. He said something away from the phone before speaking into the receiver again. "Actually, I think you're better off. Chet's going to be here."

Andy shuddered. "You poor children. What did you do to deserve that?"

He sighed. "You know my parents."

"Yeah... Hey, I gotta go. My mom's giving me 'the look.' I'll call you if I ever get out though." They exchanged byes, and Andy hung up, giving her mom a playfully fake smile before running up the stairs to her room.

"Andy can't come over," Wyatt relayed to Gary, who was doing who knows what in the adjoining bathroom.

"I don't think her mom likes you, Wyatt," Garry replied, causing Wyatt to frown slightly. "Speaking of parents, where did your parents go anyway?"

"Cincinatti. They're going to meet the guy my sister wants to marry." Wyatt flipped through channels, stopping on some Frankenstein movie.

"Chloe? Who the hell would want to marry Chloe?" Gary questioned, while beginning to apply shaving cream to his rather bare upper lip. He got a little too much extra, which he slung off into the sink.

"He's studying to be a vet," and as if he could sense what his friend was doing, he added, "Don't make a mess. The maid doesn't come 'til Monday."

"How come your parents suddenly trust you?" Gary was now shaving the cream off of his upper lip.

"Chet's coming home from college for the weekend. He's in charge."

"Chet? Shit," Gary exclaimed. "You should told me this before I agreed to sleep over. How do you put up with him?"

Wyatt shrugged, even though he knew Gary couldn't see him, with the bathroom door closed. "If I don't, he beats the shit out of me. It's a habit he picked up at military school. He's very protective of me."

"Nice relationship," Gary muttered, but loud enough for Wyatt to hear him from the bathroom. He finished shaving and stepped out of the bathroom. He sat down on the bed next to Wyatt's.

Dr. Frankenstein and his assistant went on in excited babble on the TV. Gary and Wyatt were fixated on the movie.

Gary looked over at Wyatt. "That's not a bad idea."

Wyatt looked confusedly back, and they swung around to face each other. "What?" The TV noise went on in the background.

"Making a girl. Actually making a girl..." Gary replied in a dreamy tone. "Just like Frankenstein, except cuter."

"You're serious?" Wyatt looked at his friend in disbelief.

"Yes. Look me in the eyes," Gary insisted. "Do I look serious?"

Wyatt scrunched up his face in disgust. "Gary Wallace, that's absolutely gross. I am not digging up dead girls."

Gary persisted. "I'm not talking about digging up a dead girl. I'm talking about your computer, idiot." He gestured to the desk holding the computer monitor and other assorted parts to the technology. "You can simulate things on your computer. Why can't we simulate a girl?"

"I guess I could, but why?" Wyatt replied, still on the edge about the idea. "It's two-dimensional. It's not flesh and blood."

"But we can ask it questions," Gary pressed on.

"We can ask Andy questions too," Wyatt pointed out. "She's a girl."

Gary rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever. She doesn't count. Have you met Andy? She's no more experienced than we are. But anyway, we'll put it in real-life sexual situations and see how it reacts." He looked hopefully at Wyatt.

"Well, what about your girl in Canada?" the dark haired boy asked.

"Psssh, she lives in Canada," Gary deflected, looking a bit suspicious for a second. "She has no morals. I don't like that in a girl. Anyway, get to work."
Andy had surprisingly gotten her things cleaned up off the floor pretty quick. Her bed, now a mountain of clothes, comics, and other assorted items, was another story.

She finished vacuuming the carpet when she heard the storm outside. She glanced out the window before unplugging and beginning to wrap up the vacuum cord. When the scene outside finally processed in her mind, she did a double-take.

The sky was cloudy and an impossible red color. It was way past sunset for that color to be in the sky. Andy leaned close to her window, staring out wide eyed.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when her phone rang. She stared at the phone for second before remembering that in most cultures it is polite to actually answer the phone. She walked over to the nightstand where the phone and its cradle sat.

"Hello?" she answered, trying to keep the fear out of her voice the best she could. The whole situation was pretty freaky.

"Hey! Andy, it's Wyatt," the familiar voice came over the reciever.

She breathed in relief. "Oh hey."

"You need to come over, now," he demanded, which was odd, and with his soft voice, sounded odd.

"Wy, I told y-"

"Now, An. You have to." You heard a muffled voice in the background. "I've gotta- I've gotta take a shower now, but just sneak out. The door's open over here. Just come in." With that, Wyatt hung up.

Andy moved the phone down and looked at it blankly, trying to comprehend the previous conversation. She sighed and out the phone down. "Wyatt Donnelly, what did you do?" she mumble to herself.

Sup! Sorry for taking forever to update but this was long, so I hope that makes up for it a little. Hope you liked it!

~Mariah aka Gary's wife

Stuck In The Friend Zone ~A Wyatt Donnelly FFWhere stories live. Discover now