Chapter Uno

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"It was emabrrassing," Wyatt said, looking miserable.

"No, it was much more than embarrasing. It was disastrous," Gary corrected, shaking his head at the memory. "Now, instead of 'those two dorks,' we'll be known as 'those two dorks that showed the entire girl's gym class their Fruit-of-the-Looms'."

Andy stifled a giggle. Sure, she knew it was terrible for them, but she couldn't help but find a little humor in Gary's words. "So Max and Ian just pulled your pants down and yelled out, for no reason? Shit, guys." She straightened her expression and wrapped an arm around both boys' shoulder. "Don't worry guys. The assholes will get what's coming to them." She gave each of them a mischievous smirk. "Trust me."

Wyatt looked at her with wide eyes. "Andy, I really think it's best if you don't beat them up. Gary and I will just...." He thought for a second. "Work on being less of the dorks we are."

"Oh no," Andy argued. "You are not going to try and change yourselves to stop getting bullied. I'll handle it, don't worry."

Gary sighed. "That's what we're worried about," he added. He faced Andy, stopping in the middle of the hallway and earning the stink eye from the people that had to now walk around them. He didn't notice, or was just used to it. "Look, Andy, we love ya, you're like a, uh, guard dog, a nice one," he added quickly, "But let's face it, every time you 'give them what's coming for them,' we," he gestured between Wyatt and himself, "get it even worse. It's like when those rich neighbors with the asshole son sue you because your dog attacked him for trespassing or- or TPing your house, you get what I'm saying?"

Andy rolled her green eyes and huffed. She glanced at Wyatt, who was nodding in agreement with their lanky, ginger friend. She relented. "Fine," putting her hands up in surrender. "I won't tell them off."

Wyatt and Gary both let out breaths of relief, to which Andy glared at both of them. She once again put her arms around their shoulders and continued down the hallway to catch each of their busses home.

"Oh, hey, Andy," Wyatt spoke up just before they parted ways. "My parents are away for the weekend, and Gary's staying over. You wanna come over too?"

Andy shrugged. "I dunno, Wy. I'll ask my mom, but I promised her I'd get my room clean this weekend. My comic collection has pretty much just taken over."

Wyatt smiled, shaking his head slightly. "Of course, don't you say that you're gonna clean your room every week? Never mind, I know you do. Just let me know if you can come over."

"No need to be rude, Wyatt," she replied, smiling herself. "And I'll call you tonight when I ask my mom."

Yo! So I'm Mariah, the main writer for this account. My partner(??) is Grace (honestly idk what we are besides trash for Weird Science). We, (really Grace), came up with the amazing idea to make a Wyatt Donnelly fanfic and here it is. We hope you like it and shiz.

~Mariah aka Gary (bc babe)

Love you guys and always stay gold
~Grace aka Wyatt Donnley and Teddy Duchamp. 😂

Stuck In The Friend Zone ~A Wyatt Donnelly FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя