Mello finished the sentence being almost sure that Near would choose what he suggested, but...
"But, I suck at drawing", the boy answered coldly.
"It's okay. Besides you can choose from one to three", the blonde said with a surprised look on his face.

"Then I'll only do Music classes", the pale white haired boy said.

"But you will learn how to draw in art classes! That's the point of the art's lessons!", Mello argued. "You can quit later if you don't like it", he insisted.

Near doubted that he would do well at drawing but he agreed anyway. "Okay"

He immediately started searching  inside his backpack and found the old scraped paper Roger had given him circled the music and art classes."I'm going to give this to the headmaster and ask him for a copy of my blood test date", the albino said while showing the paper to the blonde.

"Alright. See you in class!", Mello said as he took a chocolate bar out of his pocket and started munching it. Near only nodded and got out of the room with the paper in his hands, his destination being the headmaster's office.


The white haired boy went to Roger's office for the third time. The other two times being about his health issues. It was a medium sized room with 2 red sofas, one on the left and one on the right , in front of the big wooden desk.

Roger was sitting beside the desk on a huge black leather chair. The old man  was unfortunately asleep then and was also loudly snoring.

'Great. What do I do now?', Near wondered ironically and started twirling his hair. 'Do I wake him up or leave?...But if I don't wake him up I won't be able to attempt any lessons today. I need to show him the paper'

The young boy cleared his voice and started talking.
"Mr Roger, I need to tell you about my selection."

Roger snored another time louder.
Near couldn't help it. No matter how much respect he had for the headmaster, he started giggling.

Unfortunately Roger heard the boy's giggles and woke up with a bad mood. "Why did you wake me up, student! How dare you laugh in front of your elders!"

Roger wasn't wearing his glasses on so he couldn't see clearly who it was.

"Um I'm sorry", Near said while looking down from respect. "I just wanted to give you the paper with the lessons I selected", the albino answered with the most apologetic voice he could make.

"Nate? Is that you?", Roger asked as he found his glasses and put them on.

"Yes Mr Roger..."

"Alright. Give me that ",the headmaster said as he reached out for the paper and took it in his hands. "Music and Art classes, huh?Did this naughty child, Mello, influence your decision to make this selection perhaps?"

Near thought about the percentage of Mello's influence in his selection...

"Well, maybe. But I thought about it carefully and there is nothing else I would like to do"

"Hmm, that's fine.", Roger said and searched for a notebook this time. "The art classes start today at 9. You better hurry up! The class has already started! It's located on the first floor from the right side, it says Arts on the door so you will find it easily."

"Now. About the other subject you chose. The music class depends on the instrument you will choose, but because it's your first time attempt at six o 'clock on the piano classroom. It's located on the third floor, to the left and in the door the word PIANO is carved. Now hurry up and go to the art's classroom!"

"Before I do that...", Near talked with his calm voice nervously. "Could you give me a copy of the paper with my blood test's date, please?"

Roger, to Near's surprise, started laughing. "Oh, so I assume that you lost that then?"

The albino nodded and added "It's a long story. It was taken by the air"

Roger found the file in his computer and made a copy of it.
"There is no need to worry Nate. Here you go!", he said with a gentle smile covering his face which left his wrinkles appear much more than before.

"Thanks Mr Roger", the albino replied as he put the paper inside his grey backpack and dashed to the art classroom's location...


Matt was still sleeping in his room and got woken up by a sudden knock on the door.
"Hmm", he murmured and went to open the door. He was surprised to see Mello.

"Mello? What are you doing here?", the redhead asked with curiosity.

"Well...I got kicked out of the art class."

"No way! But you're the teacher's favorite!"

"It's a long story Matt and furthermore Near hadn't showed up to the class, so I was bored as hell. I was looking for him. He is probably still in Roger's office. Maybe he is in class right now. I don't really know", the blonde spoke in a worried tone.

"Don't be so concerned, Mello! He will be fine. He's 14 years old after all, not a baby! And-"
Mello cut him. "No way! Near is fourteen? I though he was twelve or something?! And how did you know his age?"

Matt replied with a grin drawn to his face "We had had many chats in the past without you noticing"

"Okay, that makes sense", Mello replied as he took his chocolate from his bag and started eating it.

"You seem nervous Mello. Why is that?", Matt asked
Mello kept munching the chocolate. "Huh? It's just your idea."


Near knocked the door gently.
A tall black haired man with blue eyes opened it and greeted the albino. "You must be the new student! Come on !Get in!"

The teen looked at him confused."Aren't you going to punish me for being late?"

"Of course not! It's your first time here after all! Please call me Raye."

"Ok Mr. Raye."

"And take a seat "

All the students were looking and gossiping about Near because he sat on Mello's empty desk.

The albino's gray eyes searched the whole room for Mello ,but he was nowhere. He decided to ask the girl in the front desk. "Excuse me. But why isn't Mello here?"

"Kyaaa!!", all the girls suddenly got exited.

"You know Mello personally?"

"Are you his friend maybe?"

"Of course he is! I've seen them hanging out many times before!"

"You are soo cuteee!!"

The young boy's cheeks got a pinkish color because of that conpliment. After  so many days he was still was wondering what was the reason of  Mello being so famous.

"...Yeah...something like that."

"Wow...You're so lucky!", one girl said and then finally answered Near's question.

"Mello got kicked out from the class
a while ago because he finished his drawing fast and started playing with a tiny pocket-puzzle."

"I see", Near said with a nod. Although he wondered since when did Mello like solving puzzles?

"Alright children now that you finished talking with the new student I will explain to him what we
were drawing today...Today we were drawing one of our classmate's face, Near you can start drawing Selena's right now."

Near started drawing, but when he finished the result looked more like a potato instead of Selena's face.

|End of part 9|

White and Yellow Stormy Roses(MelloxNear)-Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now