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liberty bell
Are you on
your way back
from the store?

baby daddy
Yeah. Why?

liberty bell
Good. We need
to talk.

baby daddy

liberty bell
Some life

baby daddy
You're freaking
me out, Lib.

liberty bell
It's nothing bad.

baby daddy
Just give me
a hint

liberty bell
It's about moving.

baby daddy

liberty bell
What do you
mean no?

baby daddy
I mean, no we
aren't moving.

liberty bell
You don't even
know what it's for.

baby daddy
I don't care
what it's for.

liberty bell
We need to
talk about it

baby daddy
No, we don't
because it's
been decided.

liberty bell
No, it hasn't.

baby daddy
Liberty, we aren't
moving. I'm done
talking about this.

liberty bell
We didn't even talk
about it. You just made
the decision all by yourself.

baby daddy
I'll see you
when I get home.

liberty bell
And then we'll
talk about it?
*read at 6:34 P.M*

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