Meet and Greet

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I don't own anything of OHSHC, but only the story line. 

Jake's Pov.

*Two people sitting at a large dining table, one person sitting at one end and the other at the other end.*


"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N)! YOU DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME, IT'S RUDE AND NOT LADY LIKE!" I screamed back at her.

"YOU'RE NOT MY DAD, JAKE! AND YOU'LL NEVER BE MY DAD!" (Y/N) said as tears ran down her face and running to her room. She slams the door. One of the maid walks in.

"What am I going to do with her?" I asked frustrated and holding my head.

"Remember, she lost them last year and now she has to start at a new private school and she is a new student." the maid said.

"I just hope that she can see all the pranks from the Hitachiin Twins, they always prank new students," I said worried. "

She'll be fine, master. And anyways (Y/N) is a master pranker. Good night," she said, walking out of the room.

"Night." I said.

(Y/N) Pov.

I'm sitting there crying on my bed. "Mom, dad, w-why?! Why did you have to leave so early?!" I screamed into my pillow filled with tears.

"Miss. (Y/N), I mean (Y/N)?" I heard a voice say outside my door.

"*muffled* Come in." I said with my face still in my pillow.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" asked the maid.

"Carly, I-I need a hug." I said lifting my face from my pillow and tears are everywhere.

"Oh, honey don't cry." Carly said running to me, with her arms out for a hug.

We hugged for like an hour, she hugged me till I fell asleep.

"Good night, beautiful." Carly said holding my hand.

"I love you." I said in a sleeping whisper.

"I love you, too (Y/N)." She kissed my head.

Next Day. ☺

Jake's Pov.

"(Y/N) WAKE UP! IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! DON'T WON'T TO BE LATE! I said yelling trying to wake up (Y/N), walking to the kitchen.

"I've been expecting you." (Y/N) said spinning around in a big chair while, petting a stuffed animal cat.

"I knew you were the evil mastermind behind it, with all the stuffed animals going missing." I said playing around.

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny Jake." She said with an apple in her hand.

"Do you want breakfast, (Y/N)?" I asked.

"I have an apple." She said holding the apple with a piece missing from the apple.

"Okay have a good day at school." I said.

"Aye, aye captain!" (Y/N) said with a salute walking to the door.

(Y/N) Pov.

I walk to school because we live a few blocks away from the high school. I wore the boy's uniform, because I don't like dresses. "I'm done with the apple!" I said holding the apple in the air. "Now where is a trash can?"

"There is a trash can right there." I heard a voice say.

"Tank You!" I say walking to the trash can. "And I through it to the GROUND!" I said throwing the apple into the trash can like a boss. 

"Hey, what's your name?" The person asked.

"My NAME IS............(dramatic effect)...............(Y/N)! What is yours?" I asked.

"My name is Haruhi Fujioka." Haruhi said. "Hey, why are you wearing the boy's uniform?" Haruhi asked.

"Oh! The same reason you're wearing a boy's uniform instead of a girl's uniform. I don't like dresses." I said with pride and a cheesy smile.

"Oh, you can tell that I'm a girl?"

"Well, looking at your eyes, I can tell that you have the eyes of a WOMAN!" I said joking around

"You got a good eye."


"Yeah, and I don't care if you tell people"

"Yeah, I won't do that, friends would never do that to friends, that's just messed up."

"Wow. You're not like any girl that I've ever meant. Because they would go texting and running around the school telling everyone.

"Thank You!"

"Best Friends?"


"You're new, right?''


"I'll show you around."

"Thanks!" I stick out my tongue.

"Okay, cool."

"Let's do this!"

"What grade are you in?"

"9th. Yeah, just starting high school. Skipped 8th grade."

"Like the twins."

"Don't know who they are."

"Don't worry. You'll meet them."


"Nothing, just nothing."

We are both walking to the see through. (I repeat SEE THROUGH DOORS! Remember that.)

"Here you go." Haruhi is about to open the door for me and I yell.

"STOP! There is a bucket filled with something hanging above the door."

"Hm? *Haruhi looks up, surprised. Oh. Thanks"

"Let's use the other doors."

"Good idea."

(1 hour time skip)

''That's the school, any questions?'' She asked.

"Nope, thank you. WAIT, I have a serious question, though. When is nap time?!!" I said to her.

"Ha, ha, very funny, there is no nap time and no problem. Hey! You should wait at music room #3 for me after school, so we can hang out." She suggested.

"Okay, I'll call my uncle and tell him where I'll be." I said.

"Okay, see you until then!"

Thats the end for now! Thanks for reading, BYE!!!! XD

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